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Very slow $cache


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Hey! I need a json file with members and it is quite slow

$members = $cache->get("members", "+10 minutes", function($users) {
	return $users->find('roles=member, sort=lastname, limit=3000');

This one takes about 8 seconds to load, regardless if it is cached! I dont know where the cache file is, but I am sure it is loading from the cache, because changing limit=30 won't affect the output until I delete the cache or wait 10 minutes.

Where is the mistake?


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I did a quick test here. I created the cache and a loop to show all 3k users emails on a local installation with 7k+ users and it took around 3.5s (measured with TracyDebugger) and half of that after the cache was created. You can use the module ClearCacheAdmin to see all the caches created by PW on a nice list on admin.

Actually, it seems findMany is not implemented on $users. Does anybody confirm that?

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On 1/27/2019 at 6:36 AM, SqANT said:

Hey! I need a json file with members and it is quite slow

$members = $cache->get("members", "+10 minutes", function($users) {
	return $users->find('roles=member, sort=lastname, limit=3000');


Your cache function doesn't return JSON though, but rather a PageArray with the full user objects. I suggest only returning the JSON data you need to see if that makes a difference.

2 hours ago, Sergio said:

Actually, it seems findMany is not implemented on $users. Does anybody confirm that?

That's correct. A solution is to use $pages->findMany() with the user template.

$members = $cache->get('members', '+10 minutes', function($pages) {
	$member_pages = $pages->findMany('template=user, roles=member, sort=lastname, limit=3000, check_access=0');
	return json_encode($member_pages->explode(['name', 'email'])); // Whatever fields/properties you need from the member pages


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On 1/27/2019 at 6:39 PM, Sergio said:

I did a quick test here. I created the cache and a loop to show all 3k users emails on a local installation with 7k+ users and it took around 3.5s (measured with TracyDebugger) and half of that after the cache was created. You can use the module ClearCacheAdmin to see all the caches created by PW on a nice list on admin.

Actually, it seems findMany is not implemented on $users. Does anybody confirm that?

I had similar results with just one field. I had just a quick look at it, but it seems findMany isn't much beneficial here, because I access all data anyway.

On 1/27/2019 at 9:38 PM, Robin S said:

Your cache function doesn't return JSON though, but rather a PageArray with the full user objects. I suggest only returning the JSON data you need to see if that makes a difference.

That's correct. A solution is to use $pages->findMany() with the user template.

$members = $cache->get('members', '+10 minutes', function($pages) {
	$member_pages = $pages->findMany('template=user, roles=member, sort=lastname, limit=3000, check_access=0');
	return json_encode($member_pages->explode(['name', 'email'])); // Whatever fields/properties you need from the member pages


I had cached the JSON object at first, this was just the last code I used. I read in a blog post you can cache an object as well. I now cached just the array and convert it to json afterwards. This has the best results (ttfb ~1500ms).

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