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Dynamic parent for creating new page with page reference field


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I have 2 page reference fields; brand and model.

The brand field has an assigned template and parent so I'm able to create new pages from within the page with this field.

The model field is dependant om the value of brand with the following:


But I can't figure out how to assign a dynamic parent the model field so that I can add pages (models) under the correct brand.

whats the best way to go about this?

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$wire->addHookBefore('InputfieldPage::processInputAddPages', function($event) {
    $field = $event->object;
    $page = $field->hasPage;
    if($field->name == "model"){
		$brand = $page->brand;
 			$dynamicParent = $page->brand;
    		$field->set("parent_id", $dynamicParent->id);

I think this should work! Let me know if it does ?

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Thanks! got it partially working. Doesn't check the field value but the saved page value which isn't handy if you change brand field or the brand field is empty. But I think I can fix this ?

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Doesn't it work like that straight out of the box like that? I'd think it would, from the logic leading to this setAttribute.

My first approach would be to try just that inside the hook:

$event->object->setAttribute('value', $newCreatedPage); 

But honestly haven't tried!

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Sorry, I wasn't clear, I meant, when you select a different brand than was already saved and add a new model at the same time, the hook won't work  because it's attempting to create a new page (model) under the old brand and not the newly selected brand. In other words, changing both brand and model at the same time breaks the hook.

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Oh you are very right! I see that InputfieldPage has a $pagesAdded property that seems to be filled only when pages are added, WHAT IF, you check both fields for this property on a hook right before saving the page. This way you can see if a brand has been added in the request, and if any new created model also,  change its parent accordingly. 


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