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Save user doesn't show changes but error


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On my local test install I recognized a strange issue I can't see on another install. Both latest PW version.

When I save a user it only shows this error but changes are saved correctly:

Template file does not exist: '/.../.../.../.../pw-dev/site/templates/user.php'

I can't see any difference to other installs where this doesn't show up. Usually there's a session change message

Session: Gespeichert: /processwire/access/users/admin

Any idea what's causing this?

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The "../../../../" looks odd to me, as you shouldn't see that kind of relative path in any ProcessWire $config->paths variables. What is the directory setup? Are there symlinks involved?

Another odd thing here is that this error comes from /wire/core/TemplateFile.php, meaning something is trying to render the user.php template (which of course, does not exist in any PW install unless you add it yourself). My best guess would be that there is another module involved here that is trying to render a page, as there's nothing in the core that would be trying to render a page when you save a user (at least, nothing I can think of).

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Thanks Ryan, the /.../.../ was inserted by me.

Ok I think i'll have to take a closer look to what modules I have (there's lots) on my playground.

Edit: Yeah recent experiments on a save hook I forgot about was the problem... :)

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