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Love the design - especially the dark tones and that teaser thingy on front page. Really makes the site stand out.

On the other hand, some of the typography, text block widths, margins between sections etc. after that seem like they still could use some extra care. Also some of the sections with content (News, Downloads) seem very, very raw.. but I'm sure you're aware of all of these already :)

Not sure if you've thought about this, but your portfolio acts kinda strange when individual items are visited with direct URL or from sitemap; just take a look at http://www.herxheim-ecommerce.de/portfolio/test-your-usability/. No navigation, no nothing. It's probably because they're usually shown within a modal window, but this still seems a bit awkward.

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@diogo: then again, stuff like that should probably be accessible by search engines etc.

I'd rather find a way to distinguish between modal queries and direct ones and when page is accessed directly redirect user with Javascript (to still allow bots normal access) to the page it's supposed to be accessed from and open correct modal window based on window.location.hash (or similar method.)

Done this before, not nearly as complicated as it sounds :)

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but, if the content is displayed somewhere else, why would you need search engines to find it in the original page? ir is the content being displayed with ajax? i'm on mobile, so i can't check those things.

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