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trackChanges does not track everything of an object?

Guy Verville

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I thought I understood $object->trackChanges() behavior, but I am not so sure now.

The code below

if($p->parent_id != $dataBundle["parent"]) {
   $p->parent_id = $dataBundle["parent"];

or this one

$p->setLanguageValue("francais", "crm_description", $data['DescriptionFrancais']);

is not recorded, while this one is

$p->crm_description = $data['DescriptionEnglish'];

I try to make a log file for a synchronization process with this code:

$message = "<p><a href='$existingPage->httpUrl'>" . $existingPage->title;
  $message .= "</a> a été modifié (" . $existingPage->template . "). Changements aux champs => ";
  $messag .= implode("<br/>", $existingPage->getChanges());


Any idea?

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Hi Zeka,

Unfortunately, changing to

$existingPage->setTrackChanges(Wire::trackChangesOn | Wire::trackChangesValues);

does not worked.

I realized though that putting true in getChanges, gives me an array of all the values of the field.

$changes = $existingPage->getChanges(true);
$implodedChange = "";
foreach($changes as $key => $change){
	$implodedChange .= $key . "=>" . implode(",",$change) . "<br/>";

However, the $existingPage->parent_id is still not caught...

I think I will have to track this with my own code.

Edited by Guy Verville
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