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Configure from which page the image field is shown when you click the image icon in CKEditor?


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Try this in /site/ready.php:

$wire->addHookAfter('InputfieldCKEditor::renderReadyHook', function(HookEvent $event) {
    $inputfield = $event->object;
    $page = $inputfield->hasPage;
    $field = $inputfield->hasField;
    // Whatever test you need to identify when the asset page should be changed
    if($field->name === 'body' && $page->template == 'basic_page') {
        $js_config = $this->config->js('InputfieldCKEditor_' . $inputfield->name);
        $js_config['pwAssetPageID'] = 1234; // The id of the asset page you want to use
        $this->config->js('InputfieldCKEditor_' . $inputfield->name, $js_config);

Seems to work well in the PW admin, but the code comment here suggests it won't work for front-end editing.

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@Robin S Thank you. I will try this soon in a way. But I can't "hardcode" it in ready.php.

Sorry for the late reaction.

For a reason I was not alerted of your response. Just saw it now, when I wanted to "bump" the question. ?

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7 hours ago, theo said:

But I can't "hardcode" it in ready.php.

Not sure what you mean here. If you mean the id of "1234" in my demo code that is just to indicate that you need to use a page id on this line and not a Page object or some other page property. You can get that page id any way you like - it doesn't have to be hardcoded.

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Yes thank you. I see it is not so easy.

I need it in my backend wysiwyg editor which is a "tweaked" front-end editor and thus not working this way afaics.

I'll need to invest more time later, it is not super urgent.

Thank you.

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I was able to make it work now. Not sure if a hack, but...

To my copy of PageFrontEdit.js, I've simply added:

function ckeGetProcessWireConfig(editor) {
  return {pwAssetPageID:jQuery("#" + editor.name).closest('.pw-edit').attr('data-page')};

Then it shows the right image field.

Thank you for your help.

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