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Repeater matrix field in an admin action


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I'm customising one of the actions that comes with the Admin Actions module and would like it to display a repeater matrix field.

I've created a field in PW then gone to Export and copied the output and then pasted it into my action converting it from JSON to PHP format, so this is what I have:

    'name' => 'emailBody',
    'label' => 'Email body',
    'description' => '',
    'type' => 'repeaterMatrix',
    'matrix1_name' => 'page',
    'matrix1_label' => 'Choose existing page',
    'matrix1_head' => '{matrix_label} [• {matrix_summary}]',
    'matrix1_sort' => 1,
    'matrix2_name' => 'text',
    'matrix2_label' => 'Text',
    'matrix2_head' => '{matrix_label} [• {matrix_summary}]',
    'matrix2_sort' => 2,
    'matrix1_fields' => array(2),
    'matrix2_fields' => array(76),
    'repeaterFields' => '',
    'repeaterLoading' => 1,
    'rememberOpen' => null,
    'repeaterMinItems' => 1,
    'matrixN_head' => '{matrix_label} [• {matrix_summary}]',
    'columnWidth' => 100

When I load the action page I get:


if(empty($fieldIDs)) $fieldIDs = $this->field->get('repeaterFields');

from FieldtypeRepeater/InputfieldRepeater.module at line 216

I haven't done anything with PW admin pages or modules before so I'm not really sure what I'm doing or whether this is the right approach.

I'm posting in a separate thread rather than the official support thread as what I'm having trouble with has more to do with my understanding of how the PW API works in admin pages than with the actual module itself.

cc @adrian

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