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Show placeholder image if image field is lacking

Jon E

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Sorry this is probably very basic logic, but I wondered what you would suggest if my code is:

$features = $pages->find("template=portfolio, limit=4, sort=-date");
foreach($features as $feature) {
$thumb = $feature->thumbnail->size(244,244);
  echo "<li>" .
    "<a href='{$feature->url}'><div id='explore_thumb'><img src='{$thumb->url}'></div>" .
    "<h3>{$feature->title}</h3>" .
    "<h4>{$feature->summary}</h4></a>" .

And I want to output a placeholder image in the instance that a thumbnail isn't uploaded...



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$features = $pages->find("template=portfolio, limit=4, sort=-date");
foreach($features as $feature) {
  $thumb = $feature->thumbnail ? $feature->thumbnail->size(244,244)->url : "[url to the placeholder]"; // if no thumbnail, replace by placeholder
  echo "<li>" .
     "<a href='{$feature->url}'><div id='explore_thumb'><img src='{$thumb}'></div>" . //changed from $thumb->url to only $thumb
     "<h3>{$feature->title}</h3>" .
     "<h4>{$feature->summary}</h4></a>" .
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It's pretty obvious because of diogo's code comment but just in case you're wondering; he's using a so called ternary operator. Which is basically the same as this If/Else statement:

if($feature->thumbnail) {
 $thumb = $feature->thumbnail->size(244,244)->url;
 $thumb = "[url to the placeholder]";
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