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Odd output in admin


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When editing a page with one particular template, at the end of the edit form I'm getting this -


The output is styled as if it is an input field note, but doesn't appear to be attached to a note. Any ideas?

(Possibly related, possibly not - I created a TextFormatter module myself. Thinking that this might have some bearing, I tried to uninstall it, but it won't uninstall. Could the 2 be related?)

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I actually have a site exhibiting this same behavior on my dev server right now, so already can reproduce. :) Just haven't figured out what's causing it, but not far off.

As for your Textformatter module that won't uninstall-- likely it's not related to the other issue. Double check that your Textformatter module doesn't have "permament=true" in it's getModuleInfo() function at the top. If it does, remove it. If that's not it, then check that you don't have any Text/Textarea fields with that Textformatter module assigned to them. If they do, they will install the module themselves unless you physically remove the module's files.

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I tracked down what the issue was here. I'm betting you have a field called 'notes' ? ProcessWire's form rendering was getting confused, since that is a reserved word to Inputfields. However, it was an easy fix, so it'll show up in the source in the next day or two.

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