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Frontend search for fields containing pages


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Hi there,

I'm trying for hours the following:

In the backend I have article pages containing a field "categories". The field "categories" has pages you can select via checkbox in the backend. These pages are status "hidden" under a node "system".

It looks like this:


Article 1 (has selected e.g. /System/Category/print)
Article 2 (has selected e.g. /System/Category/print and video)
Article 3



I've implemented a frontend search. There you can search all articles an you can select of which category the results are.

My problem is, I don't have any glue, how I can filter the articles, to get only results for the categories selected.

What can the selector string look like? Is there another way how I can do it?

I ended up in very complicated "foreach"s and so on...

Thanks a lot for your answers in advance!!

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On the selector the category must be a page. So be sure that you get the page of the chosen category like this

$cat = $pages->get("parent=/category/, title=chosen");

Then you can do your search like this:

$result = $pages->find("parent=/articles/, body*=$query, categories=$cat");
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Hi, and thanks for your super fast reply!

It works. I didn't know, that it is this simple! Realley great!

But now I habe another problem: If I have a page that has the categories "print" and "video", I do it as you proposed, like this:

$catPages = $pages->get("/system/category")->children->find("title=print|video");

as result I get returned the two pages from "system/category", which is correct.

The results, when I perform my search like

$result = $pages->find("parent=/articles/, body*=$query, categories=$catPages");

is a logical OR. So I get pages, having only the category "print" and other only having category "video", or both.

My searchquery looks like this: articleCategory=1018|1020, limit=50, template=article

Can you tell me, how I can do a logical AND in this case?! I want only pages that have "video" AND "print" selected.

Thanks again!

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The official docs say this:

AND selectors: matching more than one value in the same field

There will be instances where you need to say that a specific field matches more than one selector. This is simple, just specify all the conditions you need to match as separate selectors in the same string. For example:

height>500, height<=1000

This AND selector matches all pages that have a "height" field greater than 500, and less than or equal to 1000.

I didn't test, but something like this should work for you:

$catPages = $pages->find('parent=/system/category, title=print|video');
$categories_selector = '';
foreach ($catPages as $catPage) 
 $categories_selector .= ", categories={$catPage}";

$result = $pages->find("parent=/articles/, body*=$query $categories_selector");
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