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Extend multiple template with delayed output


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You can manually include any file you want. You dont have to use $config->appendTemplateFile.

<?php namespace ProcessWire;

// home template

<div pw-id="content">
    this is content

<?php include_once 'layouts/my-layout.php'; 

Only requirement is that the file you include needs to have <!DOCTYPE declaration and <html> tag in it.

<?php namespace ProcessWire; 

// my-layout.php

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport"
          content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
    <main id="content"></main>

From the documentation in WireMarkupRegions.php

This takes anything output before the opening `<!DOCTYPE` and connects it to the right places
 * within the `<html>` that comes after it.
 * Identify and populate markup regions in given HTML
 * To use this, you must set `$config->useMarkupRegions = true;` in your /site/config.php file.
 * In the future it may be enabled by default for any templates with text/html content-type.
 * This takes anything output before the opening `<!DOCTYPE` and connects it to the right places
 * within the `<html>` that comes after it. For instance, if there's a `<div id='content'>` in the
 * document, then a #content element output prior to the doctype will replace it during page render.
 * This enables one to use delayed output as if it’s direct output. It also makes every HTML element
 * in the output with an “id” attribute a region that can be populated from any template file. It’s
 * a good pairing with a `$config->appendTemplateFile` that contains the main markup and region
 * definitions, though can be used with or without it.
 * Beyond replacement of elements, append, prepend, insert before, insert after, and remove are also
 * supported via “pw-” prefix attributes that you can add. The attributes do not appear in the final output
 * markup. When performing replacements or modifications to elements, PW will merge the attributes
 * so that attributes present in the final output are present, plus any that were added by the markup
 * regions. See the examples for more details.
 * Examples
 * ========
 * Below are some examples. Note that “main” is used as an example “id” attribute of an element that
 * appears in the main document markup, and the examples below focus on manipulating it. The examples
 * assume there is a `<div id=main>` in the _main.php file (appendTemplateFile), and the lines in the
 * examples would be output from a template file, which manipulates what would ultimately be output
 * when the page is rendered.
 * In the examples, a “pw-id” or “data-pw-id” attribute may be used instead of an “id” attribute, when
 * or if preferred. In addition, any “pw-” attribute may be specified as a “data-pw-” attribute if you
 * prefer it. 
 * ~~~~~~
 * Replacing and removing elements
 *   <div id='main'>This replaces the #main div and merges any attributes</div>
 *   <div pw-replace='main'>This does the same as above</div>
 *   <div id='main' pw-replace>This does the same as above</div>
 *   <div pw-remove='main'>This removes the #main div</div>
 *   <div id='main' pw-remove>This removes the #main div (same as above)</div>
 * Prepending and appending elements
 *   <div id='main' class='pw-prepend'><p>This prepends #main with this p tag</p></div>
 *   <p pw-prepend='main'>This does the same as above</p>
 *   <div id='main' pw-append><p>This appends #main with this p tag</p></div>
 *   <p pw-append='main'>Removes the #main div</p>
 * Modifying attributes on an existing element
 *   <div id='main' class='bar' pw-prepend><p>This prepends #main and adds "bar" class to main</p></div>
 *   <div id='main' class='foo' pw-append><p>This appends #main and adds a "foo" class to #main</p></div>
 *   <div id='main' title='hello' pw-append>Appends #main with this text + adds title attribute to #main</div>
 *   <div id='main' class='-baz' pw-append>Appends #main with this text + removes class “baz” from #main</div>
 * Inserting new elements
 *   <h2 pw-before='main'>This adds an h2 headline with this text before #main</h2>
 *   <footer pw-after='main'><p>This adds a footer element with this text after #main</p></footer>
 *   <div pw-append='main' class='foo'>This appends a div.foo to #main with this text</div>
 *   <div pw-prepend='main' class='bar'>This prepends a div.bar to #main with this text</div>
 * ~~~~~~
 * @param string $htmlDocument Document to populate regions to
 * @param string|array $htmlRegions Markup containing regions (or regions array from a find call)
 * @param array $options Options to modify behavior: 
 *  - `useClassActions` (bool): Allow "pw-*" actions to be specified in class names? Per original/legacy spec. (default=false)
 * @return int Number of updates made to $htmlDocument
public function populate(&$htmlDocument, $htmlRegions, array $options = array()) { ... }


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