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Group by field & filter


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hello there,

this is my first post, please excuse my bad english. 
simple site building is not my problem. create templates, fields and pages and some foreachs in the templates and my easy sites are ready, with this stuff i'm familar. but now ...!

i will try to explain what i want to do. i have a template with this fields:

- name (text)
- zipcode (integer)
- city (text)

that's need for a register with ca. 1000 records. what i want is now group this fields like this in the frontend.

[ PLZ 1 (23) ]  --- [ PLZ 2 (12) ] --- [ PLZ 3 (8) ] --- and so on. 

these should be buttons and the number in the bracket should show the count of records with starts this zipcode.  click on the button shows me on the next page all records with zipcode e.g. 

- 80331 - Name
- 80337 - Name
- 80337 - Name
- 80539  - Name
- 80539  - Name
- 80638 - Name

i think the logic is simple to unterstand but for me as a non-programmer is it difficult to group the fields and build the page. Auf Deutsch könnte ich das natürlich besser erklären, but has anybody a hint for me?


thanks & greetings from munich :-)

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You can group pages depending on a field and output them like this. I used `country` field, instead of `zipcode` but it doesnt change anything

<?php namespace ProcessWire;

$persons = $pages->find('template=person');

$grouped = [];
foreach ($persons as $person) {
    $country = $person->country;
    if (isset($grouped[$country])) {
        $grouped[$country][] = $person;
    } else {
        $grouped[$country] = [$person];

<?php foreach ($grouped as $country => $people): ?>
    <h2><?= $country ?></h2>
    <?php foreach ($people as $p): ?>
        <p><?= $p->title ?></p>
    <?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>

Which outputs something like this


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hi and welcome deceleration ;)

quite easy:

// overview
for($i=1; $i<??; $i++) {
  echo "<a href='./$i'>"; // create a link with that url segment
  echo "ZIP $i... [" . $pages->count("template=yourtemplate, zipcode^=$i") . "]";
  echo "</a><br>";

// details
$zip = $sanitizer->int($input->urlSegment1);
if($zip) {
  $items = $pages->find("template=yourtemplate, zipcode^=$zip");
  foreach($items as $item) {
    echo "<a href='{$item->url}'>{$item->title}</a><br>";


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  On 9/8/2017 at 1:01 PM, bernhard said:

hi and welcome deceleration ;)

quite easy:

for($i=1; $i<??; $i++) 



hallo bernhard, selam abdus, 

thanks for now, i will try it and reply when it works or not,
but this for-loop i see the first time. this loop really works with the fragezeichen or really works?



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Ok, in my test setup `country` field may include spaces, so urlSegments is out of question. In these situations you can use query strings and send encoded parameters with urls.

If user goes to a nonexistent url, it redirects back to summary list

<?php namespace ProcessWire;

$detailMode = false; // show people in a country?
$grouped = [];

if ($input->get->country) {
    // always sanitize user input
    $country = $sanitizer->selectorValue($input->get->country);
    $persons = $pages->find("template=person, country=$country");
    $detailMode = true;

    if (!$persons->count) $session->redirect('./');
} else {
    // summary mode
    $persons = $pages->find('template=person');
    foreach ($persons as $person) {
        $country = $person->country;
        if (isset($grouped[$country])) {
            $grouped[$country][] = $person;
        } else {
            $grouped[$country] = [$person];

<?php if($detailMode): // showing single country ?>
    <h1><?= $persons->first->country ?></h1>
    <?php foreach ($persons as $person): ?>
        <?= $person->title ?><br>
    <?php endforeach; ?>
<?php else: // showing all countries ?>
<?php foreach ($grouped as $country => $people): ?>
    <?php $encoded = "./?" . http_build_query(['country' => $country]) ?>
    <?= $country ?> <a href="<?= $encoded ?>">[<?= count($people) ?>]</a><br>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>

Result looks like this


One drawback of using query parameters is that the url looks like mysite.com/url?param=value, instead of mysite.com/url/value.

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sorry my solution only works if you have zip-codes like


10... and 19... would be listed under 1...

you could replace the for(...) with this

$zipcodes = [11, 15, 80, 99];
foreach($zipcodes as $zip) { ... }

always depends what your initial data looks like (if you know the zip-code-categories or if they are dynamic).

1 question, so many answers :D;)

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