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Continuous Scroll - Recommended Approach?


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I had a working version in my previous comment, but can't get PW $posts array to play nice with the rest of the script; I have to convert PW $posts to another $posts_array and then echo with the `$post['title']` syntax to make it work - why? what am I getting wrong?

That works OK if you only want to show one or two fields, like `$post->title`, but obviously not if you want to do more complicated stuff. 

So I'm trying another approach. I first grab a batch of IDs with $pages->findIDs() and then use those to lazy load each entire object as they are needed scrolling down the page. Should be a very efficient approach, right? Or not?

I had trouble echoing the IDs with $post->id or $post['id'] or whatever, but apparently $post alone works with this simple one-dimensional array (?) - it's like all clever and stuff...

This works ? :


	if($config->ajax) {
			$template = $input->get('template');
			$batch = $input->get('batch');
			$posts = $pages->findIDs("template=$template, limit=$batch, sort=-date");
			// Default limit
			$limit = isset($_GET['limit']) ? $_GET['limit'] : 2;
			// Default offset
			$offset = isset($_GET['offset']) ? $_GET['offset'] : 0;
			$queried_posts = array_slice($posts, $offset, $limit);
			$total_posts = count($posts);
			// Get the total rows rounded up the nearest whole number
			$total_rows = (int)ceil( $total_posts / $limit );
			$current_row = !$offset ? 1 : ( $offset / $limit ) + 1;
			if (count($queried_posts)) {

			    foreach ($queried_posts as $post) {
						$post = $pages->get($post);

								echo '<a href="'. $post->url .'"><h3>'. $post->title .'</h3>';					
								echo '<p class=dateline>' . $post->city->title .' '. date( 'F Y', $post->getUnformatted('date') ) .'</p>';
								echo $post->body .'</a>';
								echo '</div>';


			} else {
			    return false;
	return $this->halt();

} else {

include 'inc/head.php'; ?>


     <div class=container style='padding: 8% 8% 50%'>
     <div id=loadposts></div>
     <button id=loadmore>Load more</button>


<?php } ?>

var jLoad = jQuery.noConflict(); 

var template = 'video|post';
var batch = 32;
var limit = 1;
var offset = 0;
var noMorePosts = false;
var loadingInProgress = false;

function loadPosts() {
    if (noMorePosts) return;
    let queries = {
			'template' : template,
			'batch' : batch,
			'offset' : offset,
			'limit' : limit
    if (!loadingInProgress) {
			loadingInProgress = true;
			jLoad('#loadmore').html('Loading...').prop('disabled', true);
			jLoad.get('', queries, function(data) {
            if(!data) {
					noMorePosts = true;
            else {
                offset += limit;               

			loadingInProgress = false;
			jLoad('#loadmore').html('Load more').prop('disabled', false);            

const io = new IntersectionObserver(entries => {
  entries.forEach(entry => {
    if (!entry.isIntersecting) {


jLoad(document).on('click', '#loadmore', function() {

jLoad(document).ready(function() {


Let me know if you see problems, possible improvements, bits that can be replaced with PW methods, etc. 

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Is there a way to detect if an element is already in viewport on load with IntersectionObserver, without having to scroll or resize?

With my solution above you might get a #loadmore button when you only load one or two posts on initial load; I want to trigger that button to fill the page with posts until it's out of view. 

You can work around that by using this function:

jLoad.fn.isInViewport = function() {
    var elementTop = jLoad(this).offset().top;
    var elementBottom = elementTop + jLoad(this).outerHeight();

    var viewportTop = jLoad(window).scrollTop();
    var viewportBottom = viewportTop + jLoad(window).height();

    return elementBottom > viewportTop && elementTop < viewportBottom;


And then this in the loadPosts() function below where the button is added in #loadmore:

			if (jLoad('#loadmore').isInViewport()) {


That does the trick, but feels hacky and IntersectionObserver was supposed to replace that outerHeight/elementTop stuff.

Is there any way to achieve the same by changing my IntersectionObserver code in some way? This version only triggers #loadmore when you scroll to it, not when it is already in view on load:

const io = new IntersectionObserver(entries => {
  entries.forEach(entry => {
    if (!entry.isIntersecting) {



Edit: Thanks @gebeer for the suggestion below. That certainly looks cleaner. Should I just forget about IntersectionObserver? I won't get around to testing and looking into this until end of this month. 

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10 hours ago, modifiedcontent said:

Is there a way to detect if an element is already in viewport on load with IntersectionObserver, without having to scroll or resize?

Have a look here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53214116/intersectionobserver-callback-firing-immediately-on-page-load

10 hours ago, modifiedcontent said:

I want to trigger that button to fill the page with posts until it's out of view.

I made a codepen that does just that https://codepen.io/gebeer/pen/KKBMWzV?editors=1011 It uses getBoundingClientRect, though.


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