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Dynamic $page->next for infinite scroll


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I'm trying to implement infinite scroll (https://infinite-scroll.com) on my news site in development. I've done the main job, but here is the problem: I can get only one next page, using $page->next. The structure of the code is:


<p class="pagination">
                    <a class="pagination__next" href="<?php
                    $next_page = $page->next;
                    echo "$next_page->url";

in Jquery:

    checkLastPage: true,
    path: '.pagination__next',
    append: '.article',
    hideNav: '.pagination__next',
    history: 'push',
    historyTitle: true,
    debug: true

So Jquery takes url from DOM element with the class .pagination__next. Then it loads the page with this url. But after that it stuck, because on page 2 of infinite scroll the $page->next method returns the same url. I understand, that I should somehow get the url from $page->next method dynamically, but I just don't know how to do it.

Yeah, I know, 'don't do infinite scroll, if your don't know how to', but, may be, someone can give me any hints?

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Yes, I grabbed the parent div of the articles div that contained the prev-next links too. This way the Load more button could trigger the right Next link.

I can share the jQuery snippet though it's WP-specific and currently has no history feature. Plus the Load more needs manual click so you'd have to implement a check on scroll if you need it to automatically load next posts.

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