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Got home page instead of 404 when using urlSegments


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I have this code in my page template file:

<?php namespace Processwire;

if($input->urlSegment2) throw new Wire404Exception();

if ($input->urlSegment(1)) {
	$pagename = $input->urlSegment(1);
	$p = pages()->findOne("template=knowledge-base-category|knowledge-base-item, name={$pagename}");
	if ($p->id) {
	} else {
		throw new Wire404Exception();
} else {
	$viewData["categories"] = pages("template=knowledge-base-category");
	region("content", renderView("knowledge-base", $viewData));

Max urlSegments is set to 4.

Should URL segments end with trailing slash is set to Yes. 

Everything works as expected until I try to access any URL which ends with any special character like: 




In those cases, I get rendered homepage instead of 404 page.

Is there something obvious that I missed? 

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1 minute ago, Zeka said:

Yes, when adding % I got "Bad request! Your browser (or proxy) sent a request that this server could not understand."

In my case the server hides the actual error message and only displays a false one. I did not dig further though.

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