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"Page" field type is gone....


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Maybe I'm just going mad but I sat down to start working on my site today, and I couldn't add a "Page" field type.

Existing Page fields say their type is "Page Reference"

The Page field type is installed as usual.

Did I miss a change where Page Ref and Page were consolidated?? I thought they were different things. I'm really confused.

I have a funny feeling someone is going to reply and tell me they're the same thing and I'm an idiot, but I'm confused as to what has changed. This is the first 3.0.6x site I've done, guess I just missed some change? 

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I guess you just do not spend too much time setting up ProcessWire fields ;) If you need a "Page field" you have to choose "Page Reference", it has always been the case since it stores references to Page objects not the Pages themselves.

I guess Notifications is used by the Notifications Module but I've never checked it as it looks obvious.

Hope this helps.

Edited by szabesz
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Scrap what I said about Notifications.

I'm still very confused. If anything I think I've spent too much time setting up Processwire Fields :P 

Ok to simplify, I'm making a new field. Here's the last site I worked on (3.0.42)


And here's my current site (3.0.62):


Seems like the latter is showing field type titles and not field type names? Is that the only difference?

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6 minutes ago, cst989 said:

If anything I think I've spent too much time setting up Processwire Fields

So maybe it is me who has not spent too much time on it? I see what you mean now. Yep, I guess the label did change but Page == Page Reference, so the latter is more appropriate.

Edited by szabesz
so many typos in such a short text, oh dear!
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