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Page with Tabs


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on a page i got 9 fields for Tabs. How can i access the data like in the following example?
The way i am trying it, guess what , doesn't work. Any suggestions?

   for($i = 1; $i <= 9; $i++) {
     echo "<input id='tab{$i}' type='radio' name='tabs' class='inputtab'";
     if($i == 1) echo " checked='checked'";
     echo ">\n";
     echo "<label for='tab{$i}' class='labeltab'>$page->Tab.$i</label>\n";

Same on the TabContent

   for($i = 1; $i <= 9; $i++) {
     echo "<div id='content{$i}'>";
     echo "<p>$page->TabContent.$i</p></div>";



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So the fields are named Tab1...Tab9 resp. TabContent1...TabContent9? In that case, two possibilities immediately come to mind, but both require you to assemble the name outside of the quotes (there might be a way inside the strings, but I can't think of one right now).

	$tabname = "Tab" . $i;
	echo "<label for='tab{$i}' class='labeltab'>{$page->$tabname}</label>\n";

Or, in one go:

	echo "<label for='tab{$i}' class='labeltab'>" . $page->get("Tab" . $i) . "</label>\n";


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