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Hi please help to solve the problem. I'm trying to parse csv on the page, but not in the database. Under administrator all get the script working, for the rest is not.
                <?php if ($page->mo){

					echo"<div class=\"table-responsive m20tb\"><table class=\"table  table-striped table-bordered sm\">
					<th>Ф.И.О.</th><th>Должность</th><th>Преподаваемые дисциплины</th><th>Направление подготовки и (или) специальности</th><th>Повышение квалификации</th><th>Общий стаж работы</th><th>Стаж работы по специальности</th><th>Ученая степень</th><th>Ученое звание</th>";
		foreach($page->mo as $mo){
 $mo->isFirst = ($n === 1);
 $mo->isLast = ($n === $total); 

$f = fopen("{$mo->folder}", "r");
while (($line = fgetcsv($f)) !== false) {
$id= $line[0];
$name= $line[1];
$dolg= $line[2];
$disc= $line[3];
$napr= $line[4];
$kat= $line[5];
$cval= $line[6];
$ost= $line[7];
$pst= $line[8];
$uch_s= $line[9];
$uch_z= $line[10];
$reg_z= $line[11];
$foto= $line[12];

echo "<tr><td itemprop=\"fio\">" . htmlspecialchars($name) . "</td><td itemprop=\"Post\">" . htmlspecialchars($dolg) . "</td>
<td itemprop=\"TeachingDiscipline\">" . htmlspecialchars($disc) ."</td> <td itemprop=\"EmployeeQualification\" >" . htmlspecialchars($napr) ."</td> <td itemprop=\"ProfDevelopment\">" . $cval ."</td>
<td itemprop=\"GenExperience\">" . htmlspecialchars($ost) ."</td> <td itemprop=\"SpecExperience\">" . htmlspecialchars($pst) ."</td><td itemprop=\"Degree\">" . htmlspecialchars($uch_s) ."</td><td itemprop=\"AcademStat\">" . htmlspecialchars($uch_z) ."</td></tr>";




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maybe you need to check count of $page->mo, since it appears to be an array field?


if(count($page->mo)) {

	echo "
	<div class=\"table-responsive m20tb\">
		<table class=\"table table-striped table-bordered sm\">
				<th>Преподаваемые дисциплины</th>
				<th>Направление подготовки и (или) специальности</th>
				<th>Повышение квалификации</th>
				<th>Общий стаж работы</th>
				<th>Стаж работы по специальности</th>
				<th>Ученая степень</th>
				<th>Ученое звание</th>

	$n = 0;
	foreach($page->mo("check_access=0") as $mo) {
		$mo->isFirst 	= ($n === 1);
		$mo->isLast 	= ($n === $total);

		if($mo->folder) {

			$f = fopen("{$mo->folder}", "r");

			while(($line = fgetcsv($f)) !== false) {
				$id 	= $line[0];
				$name 	= $line[1];
				$dolg 	= $line[2];
				$disc 	= $line[3];
				$napr	= $line[4];
				$kat 	= $line[5];
				$cval 	= $line[6];
				$ost 	= $line[7];
				$pst 	= $line[8];
				$uch_s 	= $line[9];
				$uch_z 	= $line[10];
				$reg_z 	= $line[11];
				$foto 	= $line[12];

				echo "<tr>
						<td itemprop=\"fio\">" . htmlspecialchars($name) . "</td><td itemprop=\"Post\">" . htmlspecialchars($dolg) . "</td>
						<td itemprop=\"TeachingDiscipline\">" . htmlspecialchars($disc) ."</td> 
						<td itemprop=\"EmployeeQualification\" >" . htmlspecialchars($napr) ."</td> 
						<td itemprop=\"ProfDevelopment\">" . $cval ."</td>
						<td itemprop=\"GenExperience\">" . htmlspecialchars($ost) ."</td> 
						<td itemprop=\"SpecExperience\">" . htmlspecialchars($pst) ."</td> 
						<td itemprop=\"Degree\">" . htmlspecialchars($uch_s) ."</td>
						<td itemprop=\"AcademStat\">" . htmlspecialchars($uch_z) ."</td>




	echo "</tbody></table></div>";

} // END IF


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do you have TracyDebugger installed? you probably need to walk through the code and bd() or l() some variables and such until you can see what is failing. you might want to try


in their respective locations to see if they are failing; what is $mo->folder?

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