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Adding https and www


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I am thinking of getting started with https, and are also wondering if I should add www to my domain (because of this). I have a domain such as http://example.com/ as of today.

What would be the correct way of implemeting both these things, without messing up to much in relation to Google?

  1. Redirect both http with www and http non-ww to https with www
  2. I should setup preferred domain with Google Search Console to https with www
  3. In PW's config.php, set www.example.com as the whitelisted domain
  4. In PW template settings, change Scheme/Protocol to https

These are some of those things I think are important. The main thing here is that I have not been able to find a "easy tutorial" on how to setup https. Although I have managed to install it before, I encountered issues concerning www vs non-www when going from http to https before.

Some pointers are what I ask for. How to get started. How to handle http/https www/non-www issues.

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I would like to say that it depend on the SSL certificate issuer and the type of certificate you buy from. 

For example, if you buy a Wildcard security certificate (which can be more expensive too), it will extend security to multiple subdomains based on your main domain name.

In your case, for a wildcard certificate, the common name (CN field in the CSR) will be *.example.com and will be valid for "www.example.com" and "example.com", "shop.example.com", "secure.example.com" and so on.

If you want some examples for server configuration, please let us know which type of server you are running on. Also, you can start playing with certificate and configuration  using a free certificate from StartSSL.

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I am thinking of getting started with https, and are also wondering if I should add www to my domain (because of this). I have a domain such as http://example.com/ as of today.

If this is what you already have today, then I wouldn't go changing it unless/until you need to accommodate the issue mentioned in the link. If you are going to be using a CDN with ProcessWire, chances are you'll be doing it with ProCache, where this would not be an issue either. 

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