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server redirect to subdirectory gives 500 for all resources (not pw-specific question)


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Hi there,

actually I found a solution but I'd like to know, whether there's a better way.

PW is installed in a subdirectory /pw/. 

In root there's the site in pure HTML, which I set up first and then integrated it into PW.

Images, CSS and other resources are in subdirectories on the same level as /pw/.

Now, as the PW version runs flawlessly, I redirected the domain to the subdirectory, where PW took over. I did this with the provider admin panel, not with some .htaccess in the root directory.

The result was, that, with the server replacing all "domain.tld" strings with "domain.tld/pw", all queries to resources ran not to "domain.tld/img/..." but to "domain.tld/pw/img/..." , which gave of course the 500 error. 

The solution was, to simply copy all resource directories, like /styles, /js, /images &c. into /pw.

The more experienced may have a better card in their sleeves? I am interested.

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