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How to output multilanguage string inside a multiline variable?


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Hello @ all,

PW offers the opportunity to use multilanguage translateable string.

$text = _x('text', 'noun');

With echoing the text variable you can get the different language translations - so far so good.

But how can I use such a language string inside a multiline variable?

$name = _x('Your name', 'Form');
$summary = <<<EOT
My $name is nobody. This is a
text over
multiple lines.
echo $summary;

$summary = <<<EOT
My _x('Your name', 'Form') is nobody. This is a
text over
multiple lines.
echo $summary;

I have also tried it with  ${_x('text', 'noun')} and other combinations but I cannot get it to work.

Does anyone know how to use translateable strings inside multiline variables?

Best regards

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The heredoc syntax behaves exactly like double-quote strings in a single line. Both do not support calling a function in it, only class methods or anonymous functions, see here for examples: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10002652/in-php-how-to-call-function-in-string


What might work is this, as templates while mostly using local variables are still executed in class context.

$a = <<<EOT
  My {$this->_x('text', 'noun')}


You're also using nowdoc instead of heredoc, which does not allow for variable substitution at all, like single-quote strings. See here: http://php.net/manual/de/language.types.string.php#language.types.string.syntax.heredoc

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Unfortunately this leads to error 500 in my case.

Instead of the standard syntax for translateable strings I use a function:

//Global translation function
function _t($text, $context, $textdomain = '/site/templates/_strings.php')
    return _x($text, $context, $textdomain);

and then I call the string like this:

$namelabel             = _t('Your name', 'Form');

Maybe this could be a reason for the error message.

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That's exactly the point I meant to convey. You cannot "embed" normal functions in strings. It does only work for class methods or anonymous functions, e.g. everything where a variable (the class or the anonym. func) is involved. 

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