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Template edit, Chrome history bug?


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I just found what I think caught me once and it seems to be only happen in Chrome. When you open a template in admin, then leave the edit screen and go to a different page. Now when I hit "back" in browser, the fields attached to the template are changing, it add various fields like email* randomly. I once didn't really recognize and hit save too fast. Then I couldn't remove one of the fields because it was a system "non-deletable" field. I mentioned it somewhere in a thread but couldn't really see what was causing it.

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I can duplicate that too in Chrome too (and not in Firefox or Safari). While back buttons are generally evil in web apps, that's definitely not an expected behavior. Not sure if this is a bug in Chrome or what it is, or if there's anything we can do about it. It's basically interpreting the code wrong. Will do more research. Let me know if you can think of anything too.

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