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Sort within a foreach loop


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I'm having a few issues trying to sort from within a loop.

$blog_entry = $page->children("sort=title");
 foreach ($blog_entry as $entry)

   // add classes to first and last boxes.
   $class = 'blog_box';
   if ($blog_entry->getItemKey($entry) % 2) {$class .= ' blog_box_even';}
   if ($entry == $page->children->first()) {$class .= ' blog_box_first';}
   elseif ($entry == $page->children->last()) {$class .= ' blog_box_last';}
   else { $class .= ''; }
   // make blog images 200 X 150
   $image = $entry->single_image;
  echo "<div class='$class'>";
  echo "<div class='blog_text'>";
  echo "<h3>$entry->title</h3>";
  if (!empty($entry->summary)) {
		  echo "<p>$entry->summary</p>";
	    else {
		  echo "<p>$entry->body</p>";
  echo "</div><!-- /.blog_text -->";
  echo "<img src='$image->url' width='200' height='150' alt='alt text' class='small_frame' />";
  echo "<div class='clear'></div>";
  echo "</div><!-- /.blog_box -->";

If i do the above and sort before the loop, the data gets sorted but it messes up my classes which are added in the logic within the loop.

Where can I add the sort parameter to to sort from within? Everything I've tried hasn't worked unfortunately.


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it will work just change it to this.

if ($blog_entry->getItemKey($entry) % 2) {$class .= ' blog_box_even';}
if ($entry == $blog_entry->first()) {$class .= ' blog_box_first';}
elseif ($entry == $blog_entry->last()) {$class .= ' blog_box_last';}
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it will work just change it to this.

if ($blog_entry->getItemKey($entry) % 2) {$class .= ' blog_box_even';}
if ($entry == $blog_entry->first()) {$class .= ' blog_box_first';}
elseif ($entry == blog_entry->last()) {$class .= ' blog_box_last';}

You're right, thanks Soma!

I just added in a $ to blog_entry.

Am still getting confused with my basic PHP.

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