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Extra File input field InputfieldPageAutocomplete

Vayu Robins

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I am trying to add an extra input  field to the FileInputField. I have modified the ImageExtra module. http://modules.processwire.com/modules/image-extra/. I would like to use the InputfieldPageAutocomplete field to add users. However the layout seems wrong and when typing, nothing is suggested, it doesn't find a user. Here is the code I have used:

protected function renderUserItemField(Pagefile $pagefile, $id, $n, $current) {
    $fieldName = $current . '_' . $id;
    $field = $this->modules->get('InputfieldPageAutocomplete');
    $field->setAttribute('name+id', $fieldName);
    $field->setAttribute('parent_id', 29);
    $field->startLabel = $this->_('Partner');
    $out .= $field->render();
    return $out;

I have attached a screenshot of how it is rendered on the page. I hope someone can help me.


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Hi adrian.

Thanks for helping. No, the InputfieldPageAutocomplete.min.js is not loaded on this page, and this could of course be the problem. I will look into how I can do this. If there is a certain way to do this in processwire backend, then please let me know. I will try to search for this.

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Hi adrian.

Thanks for helping. No, the InputfieldPageAutocomplete.min.js is not loaded on this page, and this could of course be the problem. I will look into how I can do this. If there is a certain way to do this in processwire backend, then please let me know. I will try to search for this.

Often you just need to do this:

public function init() {

The parent::init() is the trick.

Here is a comprehensive discussion on it:


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Thanks again! Unfortunately it did not work. The module does not extend Inputfield, Process or ModuleJS. However, I was able to load the files like this:

public function init() {

But loading these files did not fix the problem, so the InputfieldPageAutocomplete still does not work.

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Actually, it does extend Inputfield: 


but since you are using it from a different module it doesn't know to autoload these because they are not in the same folder as your new module.

I think you might need to share the code for your new module so we can see where things might be going wrong.

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