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Field settings when used with/in template not being saved


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Hi Guys, really don't know if this is due to my limited knowledge of the system or a bug.

I'm trying to configure several settings based in templates, but after saving this changes, they revert to the previous values.

For instance, when I go to Setup -> Templates > and then click basic-page I get all the fields for that template, I then click one of the fields to change some settings just for that template, but when I save nothing happens.

Maybe is just me, I'm running the latest version of ProcessWire.


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What browser and version are you experiencing this in? Also note that the way you are changing settings makes it specific only to the template you are editing the field from. If you want to change the field settings outside of that context, you'd change them under Setup > Fields. I'm thinking you already know this, but just wanted to mention it just in case.

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Vítor, I tried to reproduce this and I think I understand what happened to you because I was also confused for one moment. I think maybe you changed the label thinking it was the title, and because in this case they are the same, you don't get immediate differences while editing the template. To confirm the change, you have to go edit a page that uses this template.

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Thanks guys for your help,

@ryan I'm using latest version of Safari (Version 5.1.4 (7534.54.16)) in a Mac most of the time, and I believe this was the problem, I've changed to Chrome repeated the process and it worked.


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