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I'm currently trying to get a custom fieldtype, which uses InputfieldCheckboxes to work with trackChanges (show changed values as well), but I cannot seem to get it to work. It should just be a simple multiselect of subscribable newsletters, that are loaded from mandrill. Does anybody have any insights on how to tackle that? I need to be able to get the changes, so I can add/remove users from the mailchimp lists accordingly.

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Ok, just notices, that my page field's changes are tracked as well as my custom module's. 

array(2) { 
  ["subscribed_to"]=> array(1) { [0]=> NULL }
  ["mailchimp_newsletter"]=> array(1) { [0]=> NULL }

Can I somehow get useful values out of getChanges(true)?

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I am not sure if the following will fit your needs. I wrote a module to subscribe/ unsubscribe from mailchimp using a checkbox  in the users template + updating mailchimp if the email address has changed. User profile is provided in frontend. All changings are logged by the module. Here the snippet of the template.

function hookAfterSave($event) {
	$modules = wire('modules');
	$user = wire('users')->getCurrentUser();
	if ($event->arguments('what') == 'newsletter') {
		if ($event->arguments('new') == 1) $modules->get('ProcessMailchimp')->subscribe($user->email,false);
		else $modules->get('ProcessMailchimp')->unsubscribe($user->email);
	if ($event->arguments('what') == 'email') {
		if ($event->arguments('old') != $event->arguments('new') && $user->newsletter) $modules->get('ProcessMailchimp')->update($event->arguments('old'),$event->arguments('new'));

And the module (running on pw 2.5.29, not tested in 2.6 latest devs)

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