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Accesing Repeater Data


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I created a repeater in my SEO tab for my META statements (I know they are not fashionable anymore, but I still use them).

I am trying to access them like this:

foreach($page->Meta as $m) {
 echo "<meta name='$m->$MetaName' content='$m->$MetaContent' /><br/>";

but I get this:

<meta name='1011->' content='1011->' /><br/><meta name='1012->' content='1012->' /><br/><meta name='1013->' content='1013->' /><br/><meta name='1014->' content='1014->' /><br/><meta name='1015->' content='1015->' /><br/><meta name='1016->' content='1016->' /><br/><meta name='1017->' content='1017->' /><br/><meta name='1018->' content='1018->' /><br/><meta name='1019->' content='1019->' /><br/>

What am I doing wrong?

If I use the variables inside a <p>, they work fine printing out...

I am a noob... be gentle please...

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Try this without the $ in the field name?

foreach($page->Meta as $m) {
 echo "<meta name='$m->MetaName' content='$m->MetaContent' /><br/>";

or this with the {}

foreach($page->Meta as $m) {
 echo "<meta name='{$m->MetaName}' content='{$m->MetaContent}' /><br/>";
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