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link to anchor in menu

Marcel Epp

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i need some help with the navigation menu. How can i add a link to an anchor?

I used this to display my sites. The menu renders fine. After the second entry i would link to screen2. How can i do that?

include("./head.php"); ?>


<section id="screen1">text

          // top navigation consists of homepage and its visible children
          $homepage = $pages->get('/'); 
          $children = $homepage->children();
          // make 'home' the first item in the navigation
          // render an <li> for each top navigation item
          foreach($children as $child) {
          if($child->id == $page->rootParent->id) {
          // this $child page is currently being viewed (or one of it's children/descendents)
          // so we highlight it as the current page in the navigation
          echo "<li class='current'><a href='$child->url'>$child->title</a></li>";
          } else {
          echo "<li><a href='$child->url'>$child->title</a></li>";}}
          // output an "Edit" link if this page happens to be editable by the current user
          if($page->editable()) {
          echo "<li class='edit'><a href='$page->editUrl'>Seite bearbeiten</a></li>"; }?>

<section id="screen2"></section>

<?php include("./footer.php"); ?>
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          // top navigation consists of homepage and its visible children
          $homepage = $pages->get('/'); 
          $children = $homepage->children();
          // make 'home' the first item in the navigation
          $count_children = 0;

          // render an <li> for each top navigation item
          foreach($children as $child) {

          //change the css class if child is current
          $class= ($count_children == 0) ? " current " : "";

          //count entries

          //check if we got the second/third or something else item
          if ($count_entries == 1) 

                //counting starts by 0 so second item is 1! echo custom link
                echo "<li class='$class'><a href='#screen2'>My custom title</a></li>";

          } else {

          echo "<li class='$class'><a href='$child->url'>$child->title</a></li>";}


just written in the browser - may need some testing...use counting items to add some items between.

Changed the usage of the current/active class to some easier function to make it a little more DRY...

regards mr-fan

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So my errors show me that i've forgot one brace and set one wrong var name...and changed the condition to check the class on current...

so this have to work as expected.

Have you debug mode on in config.php? Get you PHP errors?

Here is the right example:

// top navigation consists of homepage and its visible children
$homepage = $pages->get('/');
$children = $homepage->children();

// make 'home' the first item in the navigation
$count_children = 0;

// render an <li> for each top navigation item
foreach($children as $child) {
//change the css class if child is current
$class= ($child === $page->rootParent) ? " current " : "";

//count entries

//check if we got the second/third or something else item
if ($count_children == 1) {

    //counting starts by 0 so second item is 1! echo custom link
    echo '<li class="'.$class.'"><a href="'.$homepage->url.'#screen2">My custom title</a></li>';

} else {

    //normal menu entries
    echo '<li class="'.$class.'"><a href="'.$child->url.'">'.$child->title.'</a></li>';}


best regards mr-fan

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