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If checkbox checked after using find()


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I try to display all the pages `news` with a checkbox `show_in_slide` unchecked.

Here is my code:

$news_list = $pages->find("template=news, sort=name, show_in_slide=0");
if ($news_list) {
    echo "There is at least one news not shown in slide";
    echo "No news";

This works if I have such a news, but “There is at least one news not shown in slide” appears also if it is not the case. What I am doing wrong?

Edited by rooofl
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will miss the ones that have value 0



will miss the ones that have no value



will fetch all that are empty and those with value 0 (or anything that has not value 1 for that matter)

@rooofl i like your avatar, you realy wrapped your head around it

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Thank you for your quick replied, but none of the solutions seams to work.

Let me correct my first post: In the case the condition should display “no news”, it displays “There is at least one news not shown in slide”, and not nothing as I wrote before. Sorry for this confusion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Your problem isn't the selector, but the if condition. $news_list is an object of the class PageArray. Objects always equal true in php. You need to check if there are entries in that object. 

$news_list = $pages->find("template=news, sort=name, show_in_slide!=1");

if ($news_list->count()) {
    echo "There is at least one news not shown in slide";
    echo "All news items are shown in the slide";
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Thank you LostKobrakai, it works perfectly by testing count(), my final code is:

$news_list = $pages->find("template=news, sort=name, show_in_slide!=1");

if ($news_list->count()) {
    echo "There is at least one news not shown in slide";
    echo "All news items are shown in the slide";
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