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Input data loss on saveReady on Publish

Vayu Robins

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I am hooking into the saveReady hook in order to update data on other pages, when a page is published. In other words, when a transaction is published, the user is updated. Certain fields are reset on Publish for some reason. It's only on publish, so if I insert data into input fields again and press save, then it works.

So i have added this bit of code to the admin.php file in my template.

$page->addHook( 'Pages::saveReady', null, 'credit_published' );
function credit_published( $event ) {
	$page = $event->arguments[0];

	if( $page->template == "credit-log" && $page->id && !$page->isTrash() && $page->isChanged( 'status' ) && !$page->is( Page::statusUnpublished ) && $page->credit_action->id === 3 ) {
		// Add credit to user.
		$partner = $page->partner;
		$partner->of( false );
		$partner->credit = intval( $partner->credit + $page->credit );


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Soma, is that the $page->addHookAfter( 'Pages::saved', null, 'credit_published' ); you refer to?

LostKobraKai, is that the $page->addHookAfter( 'Page::published', null, 'credit_published' ); you refer to?

I will try.

It's Pages::published. I've corrected it already in my previous post, but it seems you didn't notice.

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