Hello, our customer doesn't like the fact that they have to first add a title and then add the other info in the form. Therefore, we've enabled the way to skip this by making a temporary file before saving.
But the problem is that by using module schedulepages in this piece of code in the module:
if (!$page->isNew() && $page->publishable() && $page->isChanged('status') && $page->is(Page::statusUnpublished) && $page->publish_from) {
$this->session->error($this->_("“Publish From Date” field was cleared to prevent the page from being unintentionally re-published on the next Lazy Cron run."));
$page->publish_from = null;
it fires even with the temporary file and therefore after first save it resets the publish_from field. Is there a way to check if template is temporary, or something along those lines?
One solution is just to ask the customer to first save the form after adding a title, but I don't see that as a good solution.