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Found 5 results

  1. One of the greatest Finnish inventions, IRC, is still evolving. It even has a working group pushing things forward. I thought I would create a topic with curated open source tools to maybe inspire more people to join #processwire @ Freenode network. I have selected the tools on the basis that they seemed to be under active development. Awesome IRC is a nice list, but too detailed for this context and listing many unmaintained projects. Desktop clients (cross-platform) HexChat Irssi KVIrc Quassel (has the unique feature that one (or multiple) client(s) can attach to and detach from a central core) WeeChat Multi-protocol Swiss army knives Pidgin Smuxi Thunderbird Android clients HoloIRC qicr iOS clients Mutter Colloquy Web-based clients These should be quite interesting to the PW crowd as hosting web applications is your bread and butter Glowing Bear (web frontend for WeeChat) Kiwi IRC (currently being rewritten) The Lounge Quassel webserver Bouncers (don't lose chat history even though going offline) Firrre - get a free bouncer for free & open source community networks. See the guidelines: you need a 60-day old registered NickServ account and a Github.com account. See the Freenode guide to nickname registration. ircb ZNC
  2. Hi all, Im currently building a photo sharing website and have a first version finished. Next step is to incorporate notifications in the website if a user likes one of your photo's, or comments on a photo you posted. Just like the notification bell at the top of the forums. Any idea how to approach this functionality? Thanks in advance.
  3. Hi! I was looking into learning to code a module for PW. I must admit I'm not very savvy with PHP, but somehow I can get some things done I was thinking about doing something simple, but something I would need for my projects. I came up with the idea of a Like button that would let any registered user to like a page. Maybe the module can have some configuration options, like the user roles allowed and which templates should get this functionality. I've made some quick evaluation of how easy/difficult this would be, and maybe it's too big of a task for me right now. Either way I wanted to share it with all of you. This is more or less the functionality I've laid out: A Likes.module with the main function "like($page)". A code for the button to place it where ever on the page template to trigger the like. A way to trigger this function via a jQuery call > This I have no idea how to accomplish. A configuration section for the plugin: Templates allowed and user roles allowed (maybe later...) An admin section inside Setup with a table that displays all liked pages. I've been struggling with how to accomplish this since I want to attach a "like" to a page but I don't want this to be a field displayed in the editor, since this is more like a metadata attached to the page, but not editable by the admin. I guess this is possible, right? Maybe someone can send me into the right direction. BTW, isn't this similar to the Recommend button down at the modules section of PW?
  4. Hi, im starting kind of a social website, and im looking for a good way to enable comments on my site. i need comments to be editable, deletable for admin, and also for user within 10 minutes after posting it. Users can replay to other comments, and comments are also avaible to guests (posting anonymous). I was searching for a good tool to do this and i found this http://posativ.org/isso/. Thing is that im begginer with php, and i get confused after reading 1st line of instalation guide. Did any one did this before and can help me aout a bit ? or is there any other good solution for comments that u recommend. Cheers.
  5. Hi all Ryan have you planned to make your ProcessWire forum avaliable on Tapatalk? It would be great! Thanks and greets from Germany
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