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Found 2 results

  1. So far I have seen that you can only allow superuser to manage roles, however I don't need the admin of the site managing everything else. I need to add a permission to allow them to add roles if needed and delete roles if needed.. Basically control roles. Any thoughts on accomplishing this?
  2. Hello together, this is my first post in this forum. I like to do the following: I have some users, let’s say 20-30 people that should only be able to edit their own pages. By using the "Page Edit Per User" module it’s mostly working in this way, that the user can edit his own page, okay. The problem is, that the user must be given the rights to add children pages, edit and sort them in the page tree inside "his" main page and it seems that the "Page Edit Per User" module is just limited. Let me give you an example. I have the following tree: Home Page 1 - Children 1.1 - Children 1.2 - Children 1.3 Page 2 - Children 2.1 - Children 2.2 - Children 2.3 . . . So, I also have two users: User 1 and User 2. User 1 needs to be the following rights: Edit, Delete, Move all children pages for Page 1 all other actions are not allowed. So, User 1 can NOT delete his main page, Page 1 or any other page "outside" Page 1. Any ideas on how to solve that? Thanks so much in advance for your ideas. -Thomas
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