I've been working on a user messaging module which I am nearly ready to release as version 1.
Currently I have the below functionality and I'm looking for feedback to what other things may be useful for people looking to add user to user messaging on their sites.
compose message to one or more users known to PW
js to enable tag based UI display of user names input on compose message form
display all message threads with reply forms
reply to message thread displaying each user name by each message in the thread
display "unread" when a thread has new content that hasnt been seen by current user
delete or unpublish message thread (configurable)
display total message thread count
display total unread threads (threads that have new replies that the current user has not seen)
delete all message threads and associated data (not meant for the users to have access to)
road map
send email to user on new message to a thread they are included in