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Found 4 results

  1. Hello, After racking my brains on how add an edit page button. I found that editUrl is missing from the CheatSheet. I added "/processwire/page/edit/?id=". $page->id, however I felt that wasn't right. After going on github and checking the default template I noticed that there was a editUrl function available. Would be nice to see it added to the CheatSheet or in the API Documentation. "http://processwire.com/api/variables/page/" Thanks,
  2. I find it a little hard to get together the documentation for the $languages - object. Maybe just me.
  3. Hi Forum, I recently had a chat with a friend who was introduced to PW by me. He said: "brilliant cms, poor documentation." His comment makes me think about the cheatsheet: While we see new API methods introduced at a very fast pace, the cheatsheet doesn't seem to keep up. That's sad, because it's such a good resource. So, how can I (as a user with very limited PHP skills) help to update the cheatsheet? Is somebody skilled willing to team up with me - as kind of a supervisor - for the update tasks? Or are there any plans on behalf of the team to update the cheatsheet? Thanks!
  4. Hello all, I just spent 3 days without internet and I couldn't do much work on my ProcessWire project because I couldn't use the cheatsheet. I realized that there's a need to have PW's documentation in an ebook format including cheatsheet. So I've copy-pasted cheatsheet in a doc file & created a cheatsheet ebook for offline use. I'm posting it here so that others can also use it. Please let me know if doing this is wrong in anyway, I'll delete the files. Also note that there was no intention to make any kind of profit by using cheatsheet to make an ebook out of it. I hope this will help people like me when they're unable to access cheatsheet for any reason. Enjoy. EDIT: Attached file has been updated, as it wasn't readable on Mac and also wasn't very good looking. So I've updated it for better readability but I'm not sure if it still works on Mac, so someone needs to check it for me. Cheatsheet_1.1_v0.2.pdf
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