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Posts posted by Tyssen

  1. If you don't get anyone to sign on I think you should post some questions in the regular forum and really nice snazzy people will help you make exactly what you want.

    I was hoping that this being the jobs forum, that someone might get in contact about taking on the job for me (paid of course). But if no-one does I'll have to explore other options.

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  2. I have a PW site which is integrated with Snipcart and now the owners want to add stock management.

    Because each item comes in different sizes and colours, I'm using a repeater field with each row containing a size column.

    The guys at Snipcart have written a blog post on how to achieve basically what I need in a plugin for Craft CMS. I need that converted into a module for PW and instead of updating an individual field, it's updating a column in a repeater field.

    Anyone able to help me out with that?

  3. What is the URL in the address bar that is throwing the 404 after saving the page?

    Same URL as I'm already on.

    It still might make more sense to use a URL field type for this purpose, assuming this field is always for URLs and is not more general purpose.

    Same result except that with a URL field I can't remove the http/s so always get an error. At least as a text field I have the option of leaving it out and putting the protocol in the template.

    Php Mod security installed?

    Doesn't appear to be although there are several suhosin modules that are turned on.

  4. All the fields under the files tab for the relevant template are blank. No $config values exist for prepend/appendTemplateFile and admin.php contains:

     * Admin template just loads the admin application controller, 
     * and admin is just an application built on top of ProcessWire. 
     * This demonstrates how you can use ProcessWire as a front-end to another application. 
     * Leave this file as-is, do not remove. 
    require($config->paths->adminTemplates . 'controller.php'); 

    I've tried editing a couple of other pages that use different templates and they've saved OK, so it's only this one, which I added some new fields to last week, and which was fine when I made those updates, which is now throwing this error.

  5. I'm doing some updates on a site that only just launched last week and during development everything was fine. But now I've exported the db from the production site, imported it back into my local and get Call to a member function size() on a non-object.

    My template looks like:

    foreach($products as $product) :
        $img_src   = $product->images->first();
        echo $img_src;                     // this works
        echo $img_src->url;                // so does this
        echo $img_src->size(300,300)->url; // this gives me the error

    What would be causing this to error now when it was working fine before and I can get values for the image and its source, just not the resized version?

  6. I'm testing out a PageTable field with ImagesSelect and can now see the + button but I'm having trouble displaying data on the front end to test the output.

    I thought I could do:

    foreach($page->pageTableField as $field) :
    	echo $field->title . '<br>' . $field->description . '<br>';

    But I get no output. If I just do:

    echo $page->repeaterField

    I get a list of pipe-separated ID numbers. But if I do:

    echo $page->pageTableField

    I get nothing. I can see in the db that the data for the pageTable field is a single ID corresponding to the new page that's been created.

    So am I doing something wrong?

  7. That's currently set to 1000. The page has a table fieldtype of 8 column with 99 rows and a few other inputs so ~800 which is why I didn't think it would be the issue. But I tried increasing the limit to 2000 and resaved, and got the same result.

  8. Saving the same entry on my local version of the site is fine so that's probably it.

    But I've tried increasing post_max_size to 32 up from 8 but the problem remains. I don't think it's an execution time problem because the page goes to 404 within a couple of seconds of submitting the form.

  9. I've recently had a problem crop up with pages using a certain template that was working fine before.

    When I go to edit certain pages, I get returned to the same page I'm on, i.e. /processwire/page/edit/?id=XXXX but instead it displays the 404 template. And the data I'm entering or updating doesn't get saved.

    The template only has title, multiplier, table and file fields attached to it. And the table field is also modified by the TableCSVImportExport module.

    And it only seems to be happening to certain pages with this template, not all of them. :?

  10. It does seem like what I'm looking for but I can't get it to work either. I've already got ImagesManager installed and set up and have added a field to my page but all it seems to do is enable you to search for images but doesn't actually save any information about the image once you've found it. The only fields in the fieldtype are for filtering, nothing for saving data.

    Actually, on closer inspection I can see the field for saving the data is set to display:none and so is the container for what looks like is supposed to appear after you've selected an image. But I don't see any way of actually selecting the image from within the ImagesManager or the search that then inserts it into the field.

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