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  1. Hey, I have a single-page template featuring a straightforward HTML form with a select element, as shown below: <form id="case-study_cat" action="/case-studies/" method="POST"> <div class="uk-margin-bottom"> <select id="selected" class="uk-select" aria-label="Select" name="selected"> <option value="all" selected="">All</option> <option value="financial-services">Financial Services</option> <option value="insurance">Insurance</option> <option value="telecom">Telecom</option> <option value="e-commerce">E-commerce</option> <option value="partner">Partner</option> <option value="security">Security</option> <option value="public-sector">Public Sector</option> <option value="energy">Energy</option> <option value="aviation">Aviation</option> <option value="events">Events</option> </select> </div> </form> Upon selecting an option, the template dynamically generates a list of posts based on the chosen category. Now, on another page—let's say the homepage—I'd like to include a button that links directly to a category from that select form. This way, when users land on that page, they immediately see the list of posts within the chosen category. Does this plan make sense? Is there a method to accomplish this? Cheers!
  2. I got it working. It doesn't count by default, my bad.
  3. Hei, I have a repeater block that I only show if there are items in it. However, if I have an item and turn it off, I don't want the repeater to count it. Is there a way to exclude turned-off items from the counting? Thanks!
  4. The frontend is not the issue, since I can even use UIKIT. My issue is the pagination. The frontend solutions would just "filter" the results on the current page. But if I have a select element on the blog index and select "technology" category, the pagination should reflect that too.
  5. Hei @ngrmm. I have a blog index page like below. As you see, I have each post tagged with a category. However, my posts URL do not contain the category, so they are like https//acme.com//blog/what-is-conversational-ai/. I want to have a simple select dropdown with my categories: All, Technology, Insights, Customer Experience..etc. So, when you select, for example "Insights", only posts from that category would appear.
  6. Hei, I'm trying to create a simple filter for my blog posts, but have not had luck yet. The posts use a page reference field value as their category. However, different from the examples I found in the forum and below, I don't have the categories as part of my URL, and because of that, I can't use the url segments. On the front end, I also have pagination, which makes things a bit more complex for me. Here is my setup: I have two templates. One is blog-index.php and blog.php. And inside the blog post:
  7. Hey, Since you all are much smarter than me, I'd really appreciate your input on this task. So, here's the deal: I've got a layout with two columns, a sidebar, and the main section. What I want to do is take the H2 headings from my blog post and turn them into a table of contents. That way, I can have a section on my sidebar that acts like a TOC. Sure, I could manually add those entries to the TOC field, but do you happen to know of a more automatic way to do it? Cheers
  8. As a follow-up, I got it working with the @virtualgadjo script. Thank you!. My issue was within the Apache setup. My directives were not right. Fixing that, and the reset worked like a charm.
  9. Yeah. I'm using it on my local machine. I set up a virtualbox to server the LAMP. That's why I need to use 8080 for the port forward ?
  10. When I run the script I get admin url = http://acme.local:8080/backend/, admin username = admin But nothing changes in the DB.
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