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Everything posted by kongondo

  1. Here's how it worked for me in CKEditor (in case you persist on this route - but I would go for Hanna Code as Adrian suggested. As usual, the "culprit" is our friend HTML Purifier (read from here up to and including Ryan's comment here about its pros and cons before deciding whether to implement #5 below!) For iframes, the Extra allowed content seems to have no effect - btw, the correct syntax here is for example, div(*) not div[*] Add 'Iframe' (note the spelling) to your CKEditor Toolbar Leave ACF on No need to switch the field's "Content Type" from "Markup/HTML" to "Unknown" Turn HTML Purifier off (gasp! ) Enjoy your embedded video
  2. To answer my question. I am guessing you added 'Table' to the CKEditor Toolbar. You are then inserting tables using the Table icon, correct? I have tested this too and it works fine. I can right click and delete the table and it disappears; it doesn't come back after save . I have also double checked and there are no <p>s in the <td>s. The only way to get <p>s inside the <td> is if you type and press enter to create a new line within the <td> . I think that's what your client is doing? Unrelated, but good to know that using the tab key to move within cells works fine
  3. Picking up on sforsman's idea, have a look at Ryan's Event Fieldtype, especially how he stores timestamps. Pretty straightforward: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/5040-events-fieldtype-inputfield-how-to-make-a-table-fieldtypeinputfield/
  4. That's strange. How is the table being created? Using source view? I doubt the client knows HTML though . Anyway, in my case, I see no <p>'s inside <li> nor in <td>s..
  5. Glad it's working. What are the outstanding issues?
  6. I get you and I agree there are options worth highlighting for various use cases
  7. Or for dirt cheap (price of 2 pizzas for single version) buy the Pro Version to support the development of ProcessWire . From jacmaes description, he certainly needs the flexibility ....just sayin'...
  8. Oh yes. I think the video shows an older pro version....There's also the 7 days satisfaction guarantee if you wanna take it for a test run yourself...
  9. Ah, got it working. See instructions here: http://ckeditor.com/ckeditor_4.3_beta/samples/replacebyclass.html The textarea also needs the class 'ckeditor'
  10. Hmmm, doesn't work for me....Editor is not loaded
  11. Whoa! Four lines of code! I have to try this...just for fun...lightning...here I come...
  12. Glad you got it sorted. I don't get the bit about the naming conflicts. What 'areas' are you referring to?
  13. Max, Btw, don't know if you've heard about lightning.pw? https://processwire.com/talk/topic/7400-instant-processwire-dev-hosting-lightningpw/ I mention this just in case if you've tried something multiple times and it still doesn't work, you can always set up a test site there for some other person to have a look. Coupled with Nico's excellent 'Template File Editor' {saved me a couple of times when FTP was down}, one can even view your template files right within your PW Admin.
  14. Your code works for me...Are those child pages 'hidden' or 'unpublished'?
  15. I wasn't suggesting that you would necessarily do the hooks yourself. If you are willing to learn, I'm sure others here would help you get started. Don't feel pressured though
  16. Gabe, If you cannot have those options 'pre-installed' and want to create fields on the fly then you would also need an autoload module of some sort, I think. But I am not sure adding fields that way is the way to go. Maybe something to hook into Page Table field...hmmm...Let's hear what others think
  17. Gabe...let's head over to your original thread...
  18. Are you saying then that your custom module file (the shopping cart) is working with your backed-up database? What I am trying to get at is whether you have definitely isolated the issue to the database and not something to do with your module...I am assuming that you did not alter any PW core files and db tables...(you say you reverted all code both from the site and from PW)
  19. $config->urls->MyModuleClassName; echoing that would return: /site/modules/MyModuleClassName/ http://processwire.com/api/variables/config/ or if you want the URL to your site modules directory. $config->urls->siteModules ...and concatenate as you wish... Change 'urls' to 'paths' if it is the absolute path you want...
  20. Gabe, See my response in your other post. I don't mean to start two conversations but what I am not clear about is whether if the user selects say 'Towing Capacity' as a page field, you want a value set (e.g. 100Kg) to a different page or to the same page. If to the same page, don't know if you know ProcessWire has a show/if feature for fields? I'll try get the link to a demo video somewhere here on the forums and update this post. How they work is that a field will only be displayed if another field is selected (so go beyond the if empty visibility feature that you reference)... Edit Here you go: Inputfield Dependencies https://processwire.com/api/selectors/inputfield-dependencies/
  21. Hi Deltanic, Welcome to the forums and sorry to hear about your troubles. There's a useful debug guide here: http://processwire.com/docs/tutorials/troubleshooting-guide/ Could you also list the 'after working with some modules' modules? Even with turning 'debugmode' on (true) you still don't get any errors? What about Apache errors? PHP and MySQL versions?
  22. If you want to have the settings on one page trigger some other change in some other page then generally you need a hook, probably in an autoload module that will listen to your pages where the initial change is occurring (basically an 'event') and then dynamically/automatically effect changes in a different page(s). I am not all that with hooks (yet) but others here should be able to guide you . Maybe describe your situation further, e.g. a step-by-step sequence of events as well as exactly what needs changing, e.g. fields need to be populated, pages need to be published, etc...Hope this makes sense
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