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Everything posted by kongondo

  1. Yeah, my whole server is! A server upgrade gone wrong; it might be a while. Sorry for the inconvenience...
  2. Bit of an update, we are back in play with this one. Moved the doc-generation tasks to a remote server for reliability. PW 2.7 docs stay, although not getting updated, obviously. PW 2.8 and 3 branches getting regular automated doc-generation.
  3. foreach ($pages->find('template=basic-page, limit=50') as $p) { $p->of(false); $p->title = "My New Title";// if using a new title...otherwise comment out this line $p->name = $sanitizer->pagenName($p->title); $p->save(); $p->of(true); } If renaming in the thousands let us know so that we can adjust the code...
  4. Update: Blog 2.4.0 Changelog Fixed SQL error thrown when comments disabled and accessed blog dashboard. Thanks @justb3a Added capability to copy demo JS and CSS files on blog install as well as remove them on uninstall. Full compatibility with ProcessWire 2.8.x and ProcessWire 3.x. Thanks to @BitPoet Happy then to announce that I've tested and can confirm that Blog is compatible with ProcessWire 2.8.x and ProcessWire 3.x
  5. Update: Jquery File Upload Version 0.0.3. Changelog Fixed an issue that caused duplicates in image gallery Some minor enhancements Glad to also announce that I've tested and can confirm that Jquery File Upload is compatible with ProcessWire 2.8.x and ProcessWire 3.x
  6. Announcing that I've tested and can confirm that RuntimeMarkup is compatible with ProcessWire 2.8.x and ProcessWire 3.x
  7. I think it's easier if the dev themselves added the namespace. Even this one-liner would have worked for you... return ProcessWire\wireRenderFile('_pageactions');
  8. @owzim Ah. I see. For frontend, might be a bit easy to implement (not necessarily with ASM), For backend, a bit trickier since the Fieldtype exclusively stores (int) IDs. It would mean have to rethink the database schema...I'll have a think...
  9. No; they are just normal selects. Am curious, what's the case for using ASM selects?
  10. Dynamic Selects version 004 (released (30/11/2016)) Glad to announce that the latest release of Dynamic Selects is now available for Download/Purchase. Changelog Dynamic Selects is now fully compatible with ProcessWire 2.8.x and ProcessWire 3.x.
  11. Announcing that I've tested and can confirm that ImageMarker is compatible with ProcessWire 2.8.x and ProcessWire 3.x
  12. Just announcing that I've tested and can confirm that Matrix is compatible with ProcessWire 2.8.x and ProcessWire 3.x
  13. Update: Menu Builder Version 0.1.6. Changelog Fixed a JS issue that stopped 'select all' checkbox from working in Menu Builder dashboard Fixed InputfieldMarkup issue that prevented HTML in description not to be properly rendered. Thanks @Jonathan Lahijani and @Michael van Laar Menu Builder is now PW2.8 + PW3.x compatible! (first one of mine off the blocks!)
  14. Really? There's only 2 and they are both maintained... Welcome to the forums
  15. Hi all. Very minor update (I didn't even change the module version - it stays at 007). I think I've fixed the bug where long images would stay fixed at the top on scroll up in list-view. @Nukro, if you don't mind, please download the latest zip file(still MediaManager-007.zip), test and let me know if this fixes the issue? The only file that needs replacing is ProcessMediaManager.js. Thanks.
  16. I would expect it to . As per my release notes for version 007, this version is not compatible with PW version 2.8 and 3.x (which are one and the same save for namespacing in the latter). Version 008 of MM will be compatible with those versions of ProcessWire as well as preserve backward compatibility. The repeater bugs were common to these newer versions of ProcessWire and hence will be tackled in the next release. Thanks.
  17. Dynamic Selects version 003 (released (27/11/2016)) Happy to announce that the latest release of Dynamic Selects is now available for Download/Purchase. IMPORTANT If you will be using this module in the frontend please FIRST READ at least the following topics in the documentation in their entirety. Security Settings Introduction to frontend use Example frontend use Debugging results in the frontend I have spent a considerable amount of time developing and testing security features to make using MarkupDynamicSelects safe. If you believe you've come across a potential vulnerability, I would appreciate it if you could send me a PM/email about it, thanks. @note: Currently, the Excluded Templates + Included Pages combo does not work as expected if you use more than one range of IDs for either. In such cases, please stick to comma-separated values. Changelog Frontend Dynamic Selects: Added Process- and MarkupDynamicSelects. Expanded included/excluded settings to cover templates and pages.
  18. $animal = 'cat'; $this->addHookAfter('Class::method', function($event) use($animal) { // is there some way to use $animal here? Yes....use 'use' echo $animal; }); Edit...OK, so I am too slow....
  19. What @adrian said. I always do it the way I described because my server's module's file system is not writable (my own security feature really) so have to do it manually. I forget others may have writable modules' folders
  20. Checked again and it works fine on FF and Chrome in Windows. Wondering if it's a Mac thing? Are you able to test on a Mac machine? Anyone else experiencing this? Edit: Facepalm! I should have noted your image dimensions. I forgot to add that to the release notes. For tall images (yours is 2000px high) you will (currently) experience that problem. It has to do with the JS calculating how far the window has been scrolled up in relation to the height of your monitor minus the height of the parent div of the preview/edit panel (the difference). If your image is taller than your monitor, that will result in a negative difference and hence when you scroll back up, the 'fixed' class is not removed. I wasn't able to find a solution before this release but will work on it. Apologies.
  21. Hmm. I had that bug and resolved it in my install. What browser are you using? Or are you on a device?
  22. RE unexpected string. That has been there since several versions back. I've never been able to resolve it but I know it has something to do with the menu
  23. It should stay there if you are on list view and have a long list. That way you always have the edit panel in view rather than scrolling back up. When you scroll back up it should go back to the normal position. Please see the gif I posted earlier..
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