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Posts posted by sakkoulas

  1. ok i think i did it, i have only one problem my button appears in all InputTextFields,is there a way to show my button in the InputeTextField that i want?

    i use the addHookAfter('InputFieldText::render').


  2. hi can anyone help me with a module that i want to build.

    the total idea is to use some external image manager program add load images inside my page without upload them inside my page. so my page will be lite and if my images database become to big ι can move it in a new server and everything will work fine.

    is that possible? 

    i think inside page to have a field maybe url FIeld with a button, and on click will popup  iframe of (ajaxplorer or maybe some other programme) that is it inside my root. so i can see files and images of ajaxplorer.  the second step is when i select a file inside (ajaxplorer or maybe some other programme) i will get the url inside my urlField.

    i have look many modules but i can't find how they create the button inside the page. 


  3. Hi Pw

    i am trying to
    build a module to display the images list as grid.

    i have a situtation where images field has 100 images

    and it s hard to order sow many images in a list

    so i want the images to be in grid instead of list

    so now is


    1 image

    2 image

    3 image

    4 image

    5 image


    and i want

    1image 2image 3image

    4image 5image 6 image ..

    i have figured
    that if i delete


    the axis: 'y',
    inside wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldFile/InputfieldFile.js


    and add this css


    display:inline-block ;

    width: 32% ;

    padding-right:10px ;

    margin-bottom:25px ;

    vertical-align:top ;


    it works


    so i want to
    build a module with this attributes

    what hook i have to use?

  4. hi today i can't login in processwire,
    i get intenal server error
    every time i restart the server, it works for a while, but then it shows again internal server error
    one time in admin area i get  this error...
    TemplateFile: This request was aborted because it appears to be forged.
    #0 /magazine/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldForm.module(55): SessionCSRF->validate()
    #1 [internal function]: InputfieldForm->___processInput(Object(WireInputData))
    #2 /magazine/wire/core/Wire.php(271): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
    #3 /magazine/wire/core/Wire.php(229): Wire->runHooks('processInput', Array)
    #4 /magazine/wire/modules/Process/ProcessLogin/ProcessLogin.module(70): Wire->__call('processInput', Array)
    #5 /magazine/wire/modules/Process/ProcessLogin/ProcessLogin.module(70): InputfieldForm->processInput(Object(WireInputData))
    #6 [internal function]: ProcessLogin->___execute()
    #7 /magazine/wire/core/Wire.php(271): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
    #8 /magazine/wire/core/Wire.php(229): Wire->runHooks('execute', Array)
    #9 /magazine/wire/core/ProcessController.php(194): Wire->__call('execute', Array)
    #10 /magazine/wire/core/ProcessController.php(194): ProcessLogin->execute()
    #11 [internal function]: ProcessController->___execute()
    #12 /magazine/wire/core/Wire.php(271): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
    #13 /magazine/wire/core/Wire.php(229): Wire->runHooks('execute', Array)
    #14 /magazine/wire/core/admin.php(45): Wire->__call('execute', Array)
    #15 /magazine/wire/core/admin.php(45): ProcessController->execute()
    #16 /magazine/wire/templates-admin/controller.php(13): require('/var/www/vhosts...')
    #17 /magazine/site/templates/admin.php(13): require('/var/www/vhosts...')
    #18 /magazine/wire/core/TemplateFile.php(92): require('/var/www/vhosts...')
    #19 [internal function]: TemplateFile->___render()
    #20 /magazine/wire/core/Wire.php(271): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
    #21 /magazine/wire/core/Wire.php(229): Wire->runHooks('render', Array)
    #22 /magazine/wire/modules/PageRender.module(236): Wire->__call('render', Array)
    #23 /magazine/wire/modules/PageRender.module(236): TemplateFile->render()
    #24 [internal function]: PageRender->___renderPage(Object(HookEvent))
    #25 /magazine/wire/core/Wire.php(271): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
    #26 /magazine/wire/core/Wire.php(229): Wire->runHooks('renderPage', Array)
    #27 /magazine/wire/core/Wire.php(293): Wire->__call('renderPage', Array)
    #28 /magazine/wire/core/Wire.php(293): PageRender->renderPage(Object(HookEvent))
    #29 /magazine/wire/core/Wire.php(229): Wire->runHooks('render', Array)
    #30 /magazine/wire/modules/Process/ProcessPageView.module(91): Wire->__call('render', Array)
    #31 /magazine/wire/modules/Process/ProcessPageView.module(91): Page->render()
    #32 [internal function]: ProcessPageView->___execute()
    #33 /magazine/wire/core/Wire.php(271): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
    #34 /magazine/wire/core/Wire.php(229): Wire->runHooks('execute', Array)
    #35 /magazine/index.php(192): Wire->__call('execute', Array)
    #36 /magazine/index.php(192): ProcessPageView->execute()
    #37 {main}
    i have try the solutions that i found in forum but they didnt work 
    any idea?
  5. Hello everybody 

    i don't know if this is a dumb idea, but is it possible (or it is not necessary) to test the response speed of selectors. for example 


    $pages->find('template=name, date>=$date');


    which of those three selectors is faster, 

    sorry again if this is dumb question.

  6. hi wanze, i have a problem with this module.

    When i use english characters is working fine and it exports successfully the pdfs.

    But with the greek chars i get question marks.

    is there any solution for this; i have search the tcpdf examples but i can't make it  to work

  7. hi,  can i have some help please;
    every time I save the form as page, with random date selected,  page saves the current day,
    this is my code
    $out = '';
    $form = $modules->get("InputfieldForm");
    $form->action = "./";
    $form->method = "post";
    $field = $modules->get("InputfieldText");
    $field->label = "Ονοματεπώνυμο";
    $field->required = 1;
    $form->append($field); // append the field to the form
    $field = $modules->get("InputfieldEmail");
    $field->label = "E-Mail";
    $field->required = 1;
    $form->append($field); // append the field
    $field = $modules->get("InputfieldDatetime");
    $field->label = "Ημ/νια";
    // $field->value = $input->post->date;
    // $field->attr("readonly", "readonly");
    $field->required = 1;
    $field = $modules->get("InputfieldSelect");
    $field->label = "Ώρα";
    $ttoday = strtotime(date('Y/m/d'));
    $tday_end = strtotime( "23:59:59" );    
    $searchDate = wire('pages')->get('/orders/')->children("date>=$ttoday, date<=$tday_end");
    foreach ($searchDate as $s) {
        $currentTime = substr($s->date,11,5);
        $closedTimes[] = $currentTime;
    $random = $closedTimes;
    $start = "08:00";
    $end = "15:00";
    $tStart = strtotime($start);
    $tEnd = strtotime($end);
    $tNow = $tStart;
    while ($tNow <= $tEnd) {
        $newdate = date("H:i", $tNow);
        if (in_array($newdate, $random)) {  
        else {
        $dateTnow = date("H:i", $tNow);
         $dates[] =  $dateTnow;
        $tNow = strtotime('+30 minutes', $tNow);
    foreach ($dates as $d) {
    $field->required = 1;
    $field = $modules->get("InputfieldText");
    $field->label = "Τηλέφωνο";
    $field->required = 1;
    $form->append($field); // append the field to the form
    $submit = $modules->get("InputfieldSubmit");
    if($input->post->submit) {
        $email = $form->get("email");
        if($email && (strpos($email->value,'@hotmail') !== FALSE)){
            // attach an error to the field
            // and it will get displayed along the field
            $email->error("Sorry we don't accept hotmail addresses for now.");
        if($form->getErrors()) {
            // the form is processed and populated
            // but contains errors
            $out .= $form->render();
        } else {
             $sName = $form->get("name")->value;
             $sEmail = $form->get("E-Mail")->value;
             $sDate = $form->get("datetime")->value;
             $sTime = $form->get("time")->value;
             $tr = new Page();
             $tr->template = $templates->get("order");
            $tr->parent = $pages->get("/orders/");
      $sEmail = $sanitizer->email($form->get("email")->value);
      // $sDate  = $sanitizer->datetime($form->get("datetime")->value);
            $tr->name = $sName;
            $tr->title = $sName;
            $tr->body = $sEmail;
            $tr->date =  strtotime('d/m/Y',$sDate).' '.$sTime;
            $tr->time =  $sTime;
            $out .= " $name> ";
    } else {
        // render out form without processing
        $out .= $form->render();
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