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Everything posted by ErikMH

  1. Those were not in the file to un-comment, so I added them. Not knowing where to put them, I put them at the very top of the file. And — bingo! — I can log in! Yea! Thank you! Now.... Can you tell me what I’ve done, why those lines weren’t already in the file, and where I should actually put them in the file? Not at all — that’s an excellent question. I did explicity set it that way — but you’re right: I should’ve explicitly mentioned it here. Thanks for thinking of it!
  2. I’m new to Processwire. I’ve installed the current release version at my very-long-time (25 years) host, pair Networks. MySQL db is created. Installation process completed with no errors. I’m now trying to log in. Rather than taking the default `/admin` suggestion, I chose `/xyzzy`. When I go to `example.com/xyzzy`, PW displays a login screen, as expected. I enter the username (`xyzzy`) and password that I assigned (and copied and stored in 1Password) in the installation process (five words separated by hyphens). So far, so good. I would expect then to be taken to the admin pages. Or (if I got something wrong) to be given an error message. Instead, I’m taken to the URL `example.com/xyzzy/page/?login=1`, which as far as I can tell is exactly the same as the initial login page. No error is given. I grew so frustrated by this, that I deleted the entire installation and the MySQL database, re-downloaded PW, installed it again using a different username and password for the admin account. And I’m seeing exactly the same behavior. Time for me to ask you experts: WTF? Many thanks for any insights you may have....
  3. It took me a while to find this; I thought I’d link to it in case others wanted to see it:
  4. wbmnfktr is right that there is a Bitnami folder. By default on macOS, you’ll find it hidden at ~/.bitnami — though I can’t tell you about other systems. However, you won’t find your standard ProcessWire folder there. Instead, you’ll need to do the following: 1. In the Bitnami ProcessWire app, go to the Volumes tab and tell “/opt/bitnami/” volume to mount (see attached screenshot). 2. You should now find an NFS volume mounted in your OS (by default named with your Bitnami ProcessWire’s server address). There’s useful information in the /bitnami/README.txt file on that volume. 3. You’ll then want to head on that volume to /bitnami/apps/processwire/htdocs/site/ — this is where you’ll find folders for your site’s assets, modules, and templates. Despite the reference to “exported” in the Bitnami window, it’s “live”: creating a new template file in the templates folder will make it available to your running ProcessWire server.
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