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Everything posted by Joss

  1. GOT IT! Anyone notice I had a superfluous "home" in the first line??? Removed that and it works. So my final code is: <?php $footers = $pages->get("/blocks/footer-blocks/")->children("limit=3"); foreach($footers as $footerblocks) { ?> <div class="span3"> <?php echo $footerblocks->render(); ?> </div> <?php } ?> Thanks everyone!
  2. I just checked their template. It is not very busy at the moment! <div> <?php echo $page->body; ?> </div> But seems to be all there.
  3. Yes they do - but I better check that all the fields are in there .... good call! Edit: and thanks!
  4. It makes sense - makes people think about security. Make it required too. Add a note that you can also change this at a later stage if you want. Joss
  5. Hi Ryan, thanks - going out for a serious Thai later. Take a break from cooking (http://www.foodloversdiary.com) Yes, that is what I have been doing: <?php $footers = $pages->get('/home/blocks/footer-blocks/')->children('start=0, limit=3'); foreach($footers as $footerblocks) { ?> <div class="span3"> <?php echo $footerblocks->render(); ?> </div> <?php } ?> Which is outputting nothing. However, the following works with a specific field: <?php $footers = $pages->get('/home/blocks/footer-blocks/')->children('start=0, limit=3'); foreach($footers as $footerblocks) { ?> <div class="span3"> <?php echo $footerblocks->body; ?> </div> <?php } ?> So, I am a bit confused.
  6. Hi Ryan, You may want to add two notes ... 1. "editing the admin page" add "in the pages list" (for new people who don't know what you are talking about) 2. Mention that when you do edit it, you will get a 404 because the path has now changed - don't worry, just go to the new address! I had 10 seconds of screaming panic earlier ....
  7. Okay, Part way there - the render() bit isn't working. If I put $footerblocks->body; - then it outputs the body field, so the idea is right, just not quite doing what I hoped. I will continue digging. Joss
  8. ooh, I will have to see whether that sounds out of tune....
  9. Hi Matthew They don't think alike - just suffer from the same anxieties.... Joss
  10. Ah, replies in harmony! I approve. You have to remember that all the so-called coding I do is cutting and pasting little bits from everywhere and guessing whether I have done the right thing. So, I tend to err on the side of ... "Oh, that will never work!" with most things I do I keep holding out for the system where I can literally write in my page "Look, I sort of want to do this, lay it out a bit like this, and then control it by pressing a big blue button." And the system will go - "What, like this?" And voila, it works! Joss
  11. Sorry, I am full of questions at the moment. But it is my birthday and I have been spending the day avoiding clients a messing around! I want to render a row of pages (as blocks) in my bootstrap template. The idea is that you can create these special pages and it will display the most recent three in a row - the whole rendered page in each case. So I think I want to do something like: $footers = $pages->get("/home/blocks/footer-blocks")->children(); foreach($footers as $footerblocks) { echo $footerblocks->render(); } Then do a limit=3 somewhere. I am sure I read something somewhere that had at least part of the answer, but I cannot find it! Am I heading the right direction? Joss
  12. Thankee kindly, Moreweb One of those "pretty damned obvious things to find if you actually sat down and thought about it and were not so worried that the recent rain has flooded your veggie patch" sort of moments... Joss
  13. Hi The current address of administration is /processwire. Is there anyway to change this? It is only because clients tend to think of their site as something that has an admin or administration section and really dont care which software it is and just want something memorable. Not hugely important, I know, but just one of those fiddly bits round the edges that can make something client friendly! Joss
  14. Hi Ryan Just for interest, how would you do this if you were going the other way around - developed at the root and then found you were installing into a sub-directory? I have been puzzling out trying to figure out why Joomla doesn't have a problem here, or rather, how they work round it. When you insert an image into TinyMCE, the path is relative to the joomla installation - so, it is always (for example) /images/somedirectory/someimage.jpg - and that stays true where ever Joomla is installed. That address works for both the article at the front end and for editing the article in the administrator back end. I assume that a base URL of some description is being passed on the page so it always knows where it is. Looking at TinyMCE docs, they have various config options for base_url, document root url, relative urls (true or false), convert urls and so on. It strikes me that the solution is far simpler than a plugin, it is just a case of the page (dom) knowing where it is. Great in theory, but I haven't the foggiest idea how to work it out!! Joss PS: Sorry if I am repeating myself - I think I am getting old. Must go and play some therapeutic blues immediately!
  15. And that would be why I said to make it a drop down with the additional options. These are functions that I have found very useful with all kinds of systems when you are having to create a lot of data.
  16. Hi Cupid If you go to my new site (http://www.stonywebsites.co.uk) you will see the Bootstrap Carousel on the front page. Basically, the template system is a completely open book. You are not restricted how you put your templates together since it is just normal page coding. Effectively you need to do two things: 1. Go to the documentation and learn about "repeater" fields and how to get those going. 2. FInd whatever system you want to use and ... er ... well, use it. Unlike other CMS systems, you dont have to have it cleverly coded into some module first, you can just use it in the same way you would if you were creating a static html page with Javascript attached. The template page you need to create is your static page - just add the code for the slideshow. Once you have done that, you then just need to call in the fields from the repeater using a foreach statement so you can loop through them. For instance: <?php foreach($page->tbc_repeater as $carousel) { ?> <div class="frontcarousel"><?php echo $carousel->tbc_body; ?></div> <?php } ?> In this case, I called my repeater field in the backend tbc_repeater and tbc_body was one of the fields I had as part of that repeater. I have only been playing with PW for a week or so, and I am not a programmer of any sort at all, but the community here is great, so you will learn fast! Good luck, and I hope that small hint helped. Joss PS: Since PW uses JQuery, I suggest you stick to jquery built plugins as much as possible, rather than adding another library. However, you may want to put the most recent version of jquery into your scripts folder, rather than the older one that is there. Joss
  17. HI Diogo - it was the most recent of Joomla 2.5 plus Seblod, which is a very powerful, but slightly overwritten CCK system. The actual version of Joomla was something called Square 1, which was a stripped down version of joomla with almost all of the plugins and components removed. This was very definitely slicker than the normal Joomla, but unfortunately , the developer has decided to stop working on it. On the front end of the site, I had Mootools turned off and removed as much superfluous styling as possible. Like the new version, the template was based on Bootstrap, so that side of things was pretty much the same. Unfortunately, I didn't do rigid testing to make a strict comparison before I tool the original site down, looking at resulting page sizes and so on, but on overall speed, it is noticeably faster. I have been using Joomla 3 locally, but not in anger since Seblod does not yet run on it. But to be honest, if I can do eveyrthing with PW that I could do with Seblod/Joomla I will be happy. There are somethings with PW that I am missing. With Seblod I was able to customise the way forms looked so that I could really aim them at the end user. That would include not just how I laid out fields, but how I added help information to the forms and so on. But it is not a deal breaker. I also notice a couple of attempts at Bootstrap admin templates, though they are incomplete yet, and that I find very interesting. I have a thing which I call the Two Big Buttons interface idea. Basically, it says that when a user enters a site administration, they should be confronted with the choice of either Managing or Creating. What they can create or manage is down to permissions, but the entire user interface can be basically thought through using that idea. However, I am not techy enough to actually put that into action! Joss
  18. Late to the party, though I am, just read this and booked marked it as a really useful reference. For a newcomer like me, trying to work out a) what I can do with processwire and b) how I should do it is difficult. Processwire is so basic when you first install it that it really looks like it cannot do much more than sew a few pages together - even though that is, of course, what most websites are! Reading properly written case studies that demonstrate not just what problems were posed but how they were addressed is invaluable and can help others think out of the box and take on the truly bendy nature of PW properly. Thanks Joss
  19. Oh, a note to Ryan: This site is interesting because it is a direct rebuild, almost word for word, of a Joomla website. Doing some very rough tests this morning, it is MUCH faster than the Joomla version. So, plaudits to you for your core software. Joss
  20. I like the save button! It is a nice positive button with some pretty solid features that has got me out or trouble lots of times.... But I am wondering whether it is a bit lonely and could do with some bed-fellows? I am thinking of these few cousins: Save and Close (returns you to the page list, field list ,,,) Save and New (Saves the current doc and creates a new one of the same type - child of the same parent, for instance, with the same template enabled) Duplicate - literally creates a new whatever with everything the same, including the content. Very useful in SEO heavy sites where you want lots of similar pages with just some localisation changes. Cancel - closes without saving, maybe with an alert. This is a bit of a Joomla inspired list, but it can really speed things up when getting down to the content filling bit of a site, or mass producing fields. Display wise, I would suggest a button dropdown, like you can create thanks to those nice people at Bootstrap So, you would still have your sweet little save button, but with a down arrow next to it that revealed the other options, rather than have a long list of buttons. This has probably been suggested loads of times before, but I thought I would just nudge it into the list, just in case. Joss
  21. Thanks everyone - and yes, I do need to do some proofreading, but I thought I would get the site up for the fun of it. Alan - the reason I wanted to use Profile Exporter was basically to make sure I knew how it worked. The demo I am working on at the moment is one of several I hope to roll out to local companies as a profile, so I want to get used to working that way. Pete - the only problem with us creative rather than techy people is that we can be really annoying about insisting everything is as far from technical as possible! Matthew - yes, its all your fault, and we are waiting for your site! And it is quick, I did the site in just over one long day - though the graphics already existed, of course! Neil - thanks. I wanted a slightly clip-arty approach for this site basically because all the other local design companies have the same boring photos of companies on their sites. I do also do photography, however, so I will also go that way where needed, but they will be more creative than most. (Neglected and unfinished portfolio site: http://sanglier.co.uk/photo-blog) On the image paths this was with TinyMCE and I notice is a known issue. Soma, I will look at Page link abstractor, but there also maybe some settings that can be done with TinyMCE itself using relative_url and document base url and so on. I did try a few combinations last night, but without any success. All I know is that with Joomla, when you look at the html of TinyMCE in the backend administration, the URLs to the images are identical to how they would be in the front end and are always relative to the root of the joomla installation, ignoring whatever directory it happens to be in. Consequently, moving joomla (apart from a log and temp directory setting) is painless in that way. I am going to do some more digging this morning to see if I can find out how Joomla avoids this problem. Thanks everyone Joss
  22. I have just finished (ish) my first Processwire website: http://www.stonywebsites.co.uk/ It is a very basic site, but it uses Twitter Boostrap for the framework and also the Bootstrap Carousel on the front page. Graphics are all mine, though I am no artist, I am a writer and composer, so be kind. This was a rebuild of a site that was originally on Joomla with Seblod, but I decided to move to PW. One Problem: I used the Profile Exporter to move the site from development. But I had one issue - the paths to the images were wrong. The site was developed in a sub-directory on my local machine, and the image paths had that sub-directory as part of their address. I assume that on the dev site I had something wrong somewhere - what should I have done to stop this happening? Joss
  23. Just harking back to Ryan's earlier comment about responsiveness - I think it is a good idea to have PW responsive out of the box, at least in one version. I know it is very easy to do oneself, but it is one of those things that can be a draw and can help pull people in. For instance, if you had a profile version that had bootstrap front and back, an example of the Bootstrap carousel, and so on, just the fact that it had "Twitter Bootstrap" stuck all over it will tempt people to have a go. I am just finishing my first site with ProcessWire (it will go up in a day or two once I have proof read it) and it uses Bootstrap to the full in the front end. Joss
  24. haha - Thanks onjegolders! I am about to put up some photos of our local flooding - we didn't get it as bad as others, so these are quite peaceful shots. And as usual, Pebbles has plenty to say about them... Joss
  25. Ta-da!!!! This one worked spot on:: $page->import_page->render Mucho Gracias! I now have a bootstrap carousel working inside my bootstrap template and I will run off and watch the finale of CSI Miami much happier Joss
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