I’m in the planning phase of building a new PW-site (my first). It will have multiple purposes. One is providing information to contact center agents.
It will contain information about stores with attributes like Name, Contact information, Services provided (max 10 different kind of services exists, a store can provide 1 to 10 of them), Opening hours etc. They belong to a country (1 out of 4) and a brand (1 out of 6). A brand can exist in one or more countries
A store can have one or more phone numbers. When an agent receives a call I wan’t to be able to pop a browser window with an url like: www.example.com/phone-number/12345678which loads the page with information about the specific Store. The phone number is the only identifier the call center system has to put into a url
I’m planning to have Country and Brand as parent pages with the different countries and brands as child pages. Then use page reference field to assign Stores to their country and brand. Maybe also do the same with Services provided or is it better to have it as a simple multiple select field?
In order to be able to have the phone number in the url I’m considering giving each number a page and again use page reference field to connect it to a specific Store.
Does this seem like a good approach?
My main concern is how to handle those phone numbers (about 1000). I want to assign a number to a Store. It should not be possible to assign a number to more than one Store but possible to assign more than one number to a Store. How to make it easy to select one Store of a hundreds? How to avoid a number getting referenced to multiple stores?
Store data (meta) will be accessed directly from the DB from another system (eg. getting their names, country and brand etc) when reporting number of calls etc. (with phone number as identifier/key)
Later on I would like to build a REST API using PW to get information on Stores as JSON.
The site will also contain routines and processes, kind of a knowledge base. Some unique to a country or brand, some common for all. Likely to be in different languages.
As you see, quite a lot to take into consideration before building a monster that will be cumbersome to make changes to.
All tips and reflections to get me started much appreciated but mainly on page structure and how to deal with those numbers in a good and easy way.