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Everything posted by breezer

  1. My setup is non modified PW dev and uikit admin theme. I basically just edited the existing user template, and moved the role tab last in the sort since it doesn't show during profile edit. Then go to edit my profile to check the fields. All the items are pushed far left and there is a space on the right of the column: | [ Field One ] [Field Two] | | [ Field One ] [ Field Two ] [ Field Three ] | What am I looking for when I use the dev tools, css issues are pretty much out of my realm lol
  2. Thanks for this helper module, it works great. The only issue I see in my case is that the total percentage width of the rows only equals: 2 items per row - 92%. 3 items per row - 86% Any more than that and the field falls back down. Other than that its awesome, many thanks. Running v0.1.5 , Processwire, Firefox browser, wamp on windows 7
  3. I'm new to PW and just learning hooks myself but this is how I got the loginSuccess hook to work in site/_init.php. Note this only sets a session variable but it is proof that the hook is there and working. wire()->addHook('LoginRegister::loginSuccess', function($event) { // outside a class $session = wire('session'); $session->set('Login_Register_hook', 'success'); }); output: [Login_Register_hook] => success wire()->addHook('LoginRegister::loginFail', function($event) { $session = wire('session'); $session->set('Login_Register_hook', 'failure'); }); output: [Login_Register_hook] => failure
  4. This is what the final working template file looks like: <?php namespace ProcessWire; /*FileCompiler=0*/ defined( 'XFORUM_MODE' ) or die( '<b>UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS_ERROR</b>' ); // check for valid_key and compare to users id if( wire('input')->get->text('valid_key') == wire('session')->user('id') ){ echo xforum_process_page( $pname='ajax', $return='echo', $options, $xarray = $xforum); }else{ echo "error"; } // Call halt() to prevent further loading $this->halt();
  5. Thanks Robin S, your reply was exactly what I needed in this particular use case ? And to everyone else who replied many thanks as well. I now realize my question was kinda vague, next time I'll try and be a bit more descriptive.
  6. Thanks for the replies, I'll give the suggestions a try and let you know how it goes.
  7. Hello all, is there a way to create a totally blank template? I need to house an ajax processor which returns a result, but with regular templates it gives me the whole page as the return value which kaboshes the response message. I need to have the ajax processor as a site page so that it has access to to specific variables before processing. Any guidance is appreciated.
  8. Thanks @bernhard, I'm digging into module creation as we speak. I've been lurking the forums here for a minute and soaking up all the useful tidbits I can to be sure. As far as front end flexibility goes, the way it works now is all the content sections are templated and language translatable ( template can be switched in admin ). Most sections are set up as blocks to be placed wherever you need. Of course there will be quite a few changes which will be made to bring it into line with PW and hopefully be attractive to most audiences. Thanks for the offer to help, if I decide to go the open route I will surely give you a shout ?
  9. Thanks for the welcome, I think I will give it a shot and move forward with the rewrite. Since I have so much time invested already it would be a shame to abandon my project. That being said it will take at least a few months or more due to the way I had to work around the previous cms but I feel sure that once I'm more familiar with PW a really nice forum module will emerge. Wish me luck lol and I'll post updates here sporadically ?
  10. Hello all ? First I would like to say PW is a wonderful CMS and a very helpful and friendly community, which is rare these days. I was doing web dev as a hobby while I cared for elderly parents but now it's time to move forward and get serious ( it's getting cold here so I'll be trapped indoors lol ). A while back I created a full featured built in forum system for Evolution CMS which I could rewrite for PW if there is enough interest, although it would have to be a paid module. At the moment I only have a working version on my local wamp, I can put it online next week and send anyone interested a link via PM. What do ya'll think? I removed the old screenshots as they are not relevant any more ?
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