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Everything posted by aw.be

  1. I finished these. I ended up using the repeaters as what I wanted seemed very close to the example Ryan used in the videos. Diogo - Because I'm new to all this (php and dynamic sites) I'm only half understanding what you're explaining to me. I think that as I go through more of the documentation and other forum posts I'll get it. Thank you. Aaron
  2. Diogo, thanks for your answer. Just so I do this the best way, I'm trying to figure out how to do this using your suggestion of child pages. Is Ryan's solution in this thread what you're talking about? With my limited knowledge, I think I can create a new template for the fields I want to be repeatable, but I'm not sure what code to use in my 'projects' template to allow repeatable instances of my new template. Does that make sense? Aaron
  3. Hello. First off, I'm a beginner with php (so you understand where I'm coming from) but I've been learning lots through the forum and am trying to learn more from a book. I have set up some repeater fields for a 'construction projects' page. I've got everything up to the point to adding php to the page template. The issue is that my repeater fields have static html in them as well. This is the way it's set up: h3 - project name (client enters name here) h3 - project budget (client to enter info here) h3 - project description (client enters info here) client uploads photo. That's the best way I can explain it. I understand how to use the example code snippet from the repeater field tutorial but am not sure how to go about integrating it as I described above. I don't expect to be spoon fed the solution, but if someone could point me in the right direction I know enough that I can probably muddle my way through it - I learn best that way anyway. Thanks for the help. Aaron
  4. My wife gets to go to a lot of medical conferences. I think she feels sorry for me so she told me I could go to my pick. So, I'm in wherever it's held. I'm in British Columbia Canada so anywhere in N.A. would be great but I'm willing to fly overseas too. I was a novice Wordpress developer before discovering ProcessWire a couple of months ago. Am completing my first site with it and I'm ecstatic. So much easier to use than WP. Aaron
  5. Pete - I understand. Great solution. And thanks to everyone for the very fast and informative responses. Aaron
  6. Thanks everyone. Haven't looked at the plugin yet, but is it straight forward to point all access to a page? And just to confirm that I could have all files in the root - then I'd just need to maintain 2 sets of css files for the time being, correct? (1 for current site, 1 for new site) Aaron
  7. Hello everyone. I've only ever developed static sites and then easily moved them to the client's server. But, I am developing a client site with PW and am not sure the best way to go about doing this. The only page on their site right now is a static splash type page. However, I'd like to install and then develop on their server without the site being visible. When everything is ready, I'd like to do the switchover. Any advice on how to do this easily? Thanks. Aaron
  8. Thanks a ton. Makes me feel more confident in my choice to get into PW. I'm meeting with the client today so will have a better idea of how this might fly after that. I'll do some planning later and then post any questions here. Fabulous community here. Joshua- I see you're in Calgary. I just moved from Edmonton to Vernon BC, last year. Aaron
  9. Hello. I just started reading through the info here. I'm a beginner at php but am comfortable with Wordpress and writing some easy custom code. I have a client (construction) that I'm developing a site for - started out as a static site but it is expanding. They are thinking they might need a login for each of their clients so they can have running discussions about projects. I think I could do this in Wordpress - but I don't want to do that. I'd like to develop it in Processwire. Has anyone done anything like this? An initial idea I had was to have a client login area that would direct the client to their own protected sub-domain. Then I think it would be a simple matter of posting project updates and enabling comments on each page. Doable with Processwire? Thank you. Aaron
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