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Karinne Cyphers

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Everything posted by Karinne Cyphers

  1. Thank you for replying... we've identified the issue occurs when we create a Media Manager field with mixed case. When we create a field that is all lower case the error does not occur and the media manager functions normally. Everything about the templates function normally, and we can make the media manager field function correctly f it is all lower case. We've tried different templates and repeaters and the issue always occurs if the field is mixed case. Our environment is running PHP 7.1.17 and MariaDB 5.6.10. We had been using mixed case fields as it made it easier to read. The error occurs whether or not the Manager Manager field has been added to a template or not. I'm attaching a couple screenshots. Thank you!
  2. We've been working on adding the media manger to our new project, but when we create a field to add images/videos to the page, we get the following error in Media Manager: {"error":true,"message":"SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'cmsdev01.field_Product_Assets' doesn't exist"} When we remove the field from the template (actually we have to delete the field entirely) then the Media Manger will load again and not display that error. Is there something additional we need to do when we want to start adding Media Manager fields to pages?
  3. Does this work with ProcessWire 3.x?
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