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Everything posted by Sylvio

  1. So I am building a complex website for a client and so far everything that seemed to be difficult at first to implement was a breeze with PW, the flexibility of the system is amazing. There is one thing I am not sure to implement in a proper way. How can I make it easy for this client to link/embed videos, from youtube, vimeo, etc... or his own uploaded movie? Any ideas on how to deal with this?
  2. Ryan, Weird, I can't seem to get it working, what am I doing wrong? I'm not getting notified if I fill in a non-valid url, for instance: htp:/rosebrand I updated my wire directory with the latest commit. Regards Sylvio
  3. Ryan, You are right, about-us is an existing active page, no need to use a redirect 301 here then Thanks for the quick response and the solution! Cheers
  4. Hi guys, Just downloaded the latest commit for the redirect, the one that fixes the issues when your website is installed in a subdirectory. Found an issue, if I click the 'Add New Redirect 'button I am getting a php error: Notice: Undefined variable: page in C:\data\My Dropbox\www\showled.com\site\modules\ProcessRedirects\ProcessRedirects.module on line 119 Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:\data\My Dropbox\www\showled.com\site\modules\ProcessRedirects\ProcessRedirects.module on line 119 I was able to add a new redirect, but it doesn't seem to work The redirect needs to be from to a child page So normally I need to create a redirect from /about-us/ to /about-us/history/ is this correct? See screenshot
  5. I have a template with a field called website, the field is of class FieldtypeURL. Now its weird, I expect if I add a page and fill the website field with a non-valid URL I would get an error or notification of some sort, but it doesn't? It just saves the page! Any explanation? Cheers Sylvio
  6. Super, thanks for the quick fix! The positioning of the close button works for me! I agree on fixing the original IE8 problem I am using IE 8.0.6001.18702, I didn't really test other IE8 releases, I also use IE out of necessity @work
  7. First of all, Adminbar is AWESOME, very nice implementation of front-end editing! Found an issue in IE8 Clicking on the "dark side" doesn't close the modal. Maybe it would be good to add a 'close' button in top right, so the modal close can be forced if needed? Once again, nice work guys Sylvio
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