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Everything posted by Sevenupcan
Imogen Heap plays the stage so well in this video, and I so want those gloves! http://t.co/aL5TDt8m
"It doesn't matter what you ask, just that you ask." Great video by @skillshare http://t.co/XJTZjAOp
Any idea how I add an event listener for input changes on either textarea? http://t.co/dD9EDMlB
Thank you @codemirror I will gladly donate, what an awesome JavaScript component! #inBrowserEditor
Who knew cats would dominate the internet; my fav so far on http://t.co/naFpHpTI is http://t.co/WcOVVHQn
Can anyone suggest a documentation generator that's language agnostic? ie will generate docs from inline comments in html, css, js etc...
Should you be thinking about your front-end code as blocks? Someone help me get my head round this. http://t.co/Si0qyJsl
For anyone interested these were the some of the tools from my talk http://t.co/9LQF6FhX http://t.co/zcVV2Yn1 http://t.co/hp7squqN
Can anyone recommend a good Mac OS app to manage image meta data? Preferably a nice easy to use one.
Can anyone tell me are postcodes commonly used in Canada similar to how we use them in the UK? ie when delivering stuff to your home address