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Everything posted by mindplay.dk

  1. PHP REPL in 1 line of code: php -r "while(fwrite(STDOUT,chr(10).'php> ')&&($c=fgets(STDIN)))($r=eval('return '.$c.';'))&&var_export($r);"

  2. blogged: "Sustainable Web Development" http://t.co/WxHJxsyrDp

  3. I added a giant WTF to the documentation for PDOStatement::fetchObject() http://t.co/KSnbLOfXNb - wow. this is so broken.

  4. moved my timestamp helper to a real repo and added namespace for autoloading http://t.co/qaYp9uVhrR

  5. date/time as objects (rather than value-types) is a fucking terrible idea - I came up with this to handle timestamps: http://t.co/gBaXCvOING

  6. 5.3 is now the most used version of PHP http://t.co/t7Du1IFv14

  7. here's wishing DateTime was a value-type in PHP. clone this, clone that, agggh... almost makes me want to stick to integer timestamps...

  8. who thought that anyone would be switching monitors (or using more than one) in 2013? shocking news to the world's largest OS vendor. *sigh*

  9. I haven't given up on this, and I came quite far. It's been a couple of months since I worked on it - last couple of months have been kind of hectic for me, so I haven't made any recent progress. I do want to work on this, and still believe it's possible - since I gave up on using $trackChanges, the approach I'm using should be pretty safe. Probably a couple of weeks of work left on this at least though, and not sure when I'll get back to it...
  10. stockpile has been working great for me on two projects by now https://t.co/sSBs1nUxh1 - did some adjustments and tagged a release.

  11. Hollywood Video's "successor" makes 400,000 claims of debt http://t.co/Buriejc4yR - if you get a bill, dispute it! http://t.co/TRm6yS4abn

  12. anyone know of a PHP template engine with inheritance, caching, etc. - but with plain PHP syntax? I like Twig, but I really prefer PHP...

  13. it looks like the trailing comma PHP RFC is getting rejected http://t.co/KJuDwXpQ2c - good riddance

  14. I will never understand why successful software companies can't leave well enough alone. did anyone COMPLAIN about the standard icons?? hm!

  15. the latter is using PEAR Text_Diff which later became Horde Text_Diff.

  16. added a note about index replication in @RavenDB to this Wikipedia article http://t.co/yMJ0VYNbmE

  17. there are days when I think my palm might be permanently stuck to my face.

  18. European Parliament blocking emails from concerned citizens. Everyone deserves a voice. Sign the petition: http://t.co/oK0l4cwNWX #MEPblock

  19. More important than any new discovery in our lifetime: http://t.co/lfrtqIEEWq - please watch and share!

  20. this is amazing http://t.co/UvDHnWoFpO a friend of mine recorded an entire album on this little thing!

  21. the @opalang book has been published - with "look inside" on Amazon now http://t.co/7yBhB9E7R6

  22. hmm, neither live @arangodb demo seems to work? AQL demo doesn't return results - SH demo doesn't seem to create collections...

  23. crowd sourcing for open-source projects - now in beta https://t.co/zWr9QZ0WrG

  24. I think we need a "core concepts" category - explaining every major idea in PW, and it's relations to other ideas. This stuff is critical to help new developers get up to speed. THanks for taking the time to describe this
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