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  1. Hi Abdus, Awesome, thanks for the fast and detailed reply. I hope it's as easy as it looks to set up such a cool site. I've tried this with WordPress and I'm so frustrated. You shouldn't have offered to answer all my questions!! I'll be back!!! Thanks again!!
  2. Hi, I'm brand new to ProcessWire and I found it when searching for a CMS to create my web site. The reason I'm interested is because I want to create a site which is exactly like the Skyscrapers demo site, but with different content obviously. I like how the site is formatted and the search options box, the summary list and detail pages, and the map. What is the quickest and easiest way of setting up a page like this with my own variables, enter my own records and have it formatted just like that demo page with the menu options, sorting and search options? I've had a look at the Tutorials page, but I can't see anything this specific. Thanks for your time & help!
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